yarneycat Member


  • This. Definitely this. Also I stopped comparing myself to every other woman in the room to see where I ranked size-wise.
  • Good grief, why! Living in high altitudes makes exercising harsh on the lungs, friend. As far as I knew the only advantage to training at high altitudes is that when you go to lower levels you do SLIGHTLY better in races and such. I don't believe you burn more calories or anything like that. So you're just adding pain to…
  • That's really great to know. I don't have any medical reason for limiting sugar intake, I just try to keep it low. No juice, pop, drinking black coffee, that kind of thing.
  • Hi there - since I just posted the same thing, I'm joining in with your discussion! You might want to look at the yogurt, some of them have really high sugar content. That could be one area to knock some sugar out. Beyond that, as a fruit-snacker, I'm stumped on what to do with consistently going over on sugars from it!
  • Hey! Signing up is the first step! I've been on and off for a year, and am trying much harder to stick with it this time. Motivation is always the toughest, hey? The smoking/weight trade off can be a big one but yes, the rest of your body (not even just heart and lungs) really loves you for it.
  • Is there a way to calculate it the other way? The treadmill should be set at a speed or an average speed. So if you're going at 6mph for 20 minutes, use that information to calculate distance covered.
  • Definite second to the Bio Oil. It's pricey but boy does it work. I supplemented with regular cocoa butter, too. And you look amazing. Congrats on all of your weight loss. Super cute suit!!
  • Hear you there! The first 30 lbs I lost, I just aimed to eat about 1/3 less each time. The guilt of snacking always got me afterward, too.
  • Hi! You've lost so much already, good work!! I'm far from my biggest (238), but am struggling with the last 20. Went on my first run in ages tonight in an attempt to keep motivated on an off-the-rails day. What are your strategies? What's worked so far?
  • I'll hear you! Working really long hours means a lot of snacking for me. Edamame is a good replacement, but for me, my bigger struggle is to just stop snacking as much. To move past replacement and to curb the snacking altogether. Suggestions there?