

  • I was a diet Coke addict for years. I finally quit about 2 years ago. I was in withdrawal for about a week then suddenly felt better than ever (I drank, and still do) lots of water (10 to 12 glasses a day). BTW do not switch from regular to diet and think you are going to lose weight. You will at first, but then you gain…
  • Just outside of Savannah, GA. Born and raised in Winston-Salem, NC. If it doesn't warm up soon, I will be moving to South Florida!
  • My daughter just got her order form UGHHH! I have to buuy some just to help her right? So anyway, if anybody wants some, just friend me and I will ... NO! I will not sell them to anyone here. Good luck and stay away from those tables they set up at grocery stores!
  • It is always great when people see you after major gains. They just seem to go on and on about how great you look. With baby steps they don't seem to notice as much. I don't blame you for staying "in". I dropped from 270 to 215 before seeing some of my family and they couldn't believe it. Now I just need to drop another 55…
  • When you first start working out, legs can stay sore for several days. But they are actually the most important muscle to work since they are the biggest, strongest muscles. I have worked sore legs many times and done fine, but there are a couple of things to remember. First, be sure it is just soreness not an injury.…
  • A lot of people have already said it, but drink lots of water. Also make sure your calories are good "clean" calories. Low in fat but no sugars (they make low fat foods by adding sugar, which is worse than fat), avoid white carbs and eats lots of protiens. Chicken, turkey or tuna are my favs. Also, you said you don't have…
  • I got a Sportline HRM for @ $40 at D I C Ks Sports and have actually been very happy with it. Not sure how accurate the calorie counter is, but the BPM seems to be close when ever I check it manually. (They censored the sports store LOL.)
  • Peanut Butter. Just on a spoon (or liberally applied to most any food). I now let myself have one TBSP a week. I tried the natural stuff but it just doen't do it for me.
  • I have not done Zumba, but have seen it. If you are not a big dancer then deffinitely go with Turbo Jam. I have done that without any problems. Have you by anychance looked at Chalean Extreme. It is by Chalene Johnson from Turbo Jam but also includes resistance training to tone and tighten your muscles. That raises your…
  • Rule #1 (for me at least): Never beaet yourself up over setbacks. I am an overeater too. Three turgey burgers tonight - should have stopped at 1 but just kept going till I felt sick. We all do it sometimes. But if you beat yourslef up, you will get depressed and guess what, you will want to eat again. Just accept it, pick…
  • There are a lot of different views on diet drinks. One thing is pretty obvious though. Most people who drink them do not actually seem to lose weight. There are a couple theories on this too. One is that the sweet taste triggers insulin release and the insulin goes out search for sugar. When it can't find any it triggers…
  • We eat fruit and veggies every day, but I understand why this question was asked. America as a whole is way too addicted to fast, cheap processed food. I was in a discussion with some people on FB the other day and this point became abundantly clear. One lady was from South Africa I believe and another said she was from…
  • Hey, I have arthritis in my legs from injuries (Used to jump out of planes). I am not sure if this will help you or not, but do you drink diet drinks? I read a lot bout diet sodas causing joint pain so I decided to try giving them up. I am not here to bash diet drinks or anything, but personally, my pain was cut in half.…
  • How about Protein bars. Some actually taste good now and are really filling. I use the P90X protein bars for breakfast most every day and it keeps me running till lunch. And the best part is MFP already has them in the food database.
  • I just got a sportline HRM and it seems pretty accurate (at least the Heartrate part). According to it I am burning @700 cal. in a typical 1 hr workout. I got this one at ****'s sporting for about $45, so it is a cheap one, but does seem accurate.