Diet Dr. Pepper??? Is it ok to drink?



  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Try to just stick to water. Artificial sweeteners are interpreted by the brain to be the same as natural sugars. So insulin is released which stops the body from burning fat. Sugar from your blood is used for energy instead, and then, to counter the hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) you have to eat more to replenish the blood sugar.

    Bottom line, artificial sweetener is very counterproductive for weight loss.

    And then there are all the potential health problems like cancer...
    I disagree. I drink diet Mt Dew all the time and have no problems at all with everything you listed. Also, she is only drinking one per day.

    Yep, I tried cutting them out for a while but it really made no difference. I drink one or two a day and have not had any problems. In fact, if anything, I have less cravings for carbs and sweets when I drink diet sodas. And, as someone else said, there's no clear evidence that they are bad for you....just a lot of speculation based on poor research.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Do whatever you need to, in order to make this dieting easy on you, I live by the phrase Everything in Moderation! I myself have cut all pop, and juice. I've been drinking nothing but water, and sometimes I mix it with the Crystal Light which gives me some flavor without all the extra stuff.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member

    Check out other pop-lovers and successful skinny-minnies here;

    Bahahahahahahaha I love this. Strange anti-pop science. Hehe.

    I'd say it is fine, but that's me. Anyone claiming bad things about sodium... really? It's like 40mg for a can, and I at least get 2,500 a day allotment. 40 is hardly anything. Just make sure you are also drinking plenty of water, and I would say you are good to go.
  • There are a lot of different views on diet drinks. One thing is pretty obvious though. Most people who drink them do not actually seem to lose weight. There are a couple theories on this too. One is that the sweet taste triggers insulin release and the insulin goes out search for sugar. When it can't find any it triggers the craving for sweets or carbs so you actually ending eating more bad food. There is research out there on this. Anyway, all I know is that I gave up diet drinks and within a week my joint pain was greatly reduced and my energy was increased. Hope that helps.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    There are plenty of people who drink diet sodas and lose weight.

    I cut out all caffeine and diet sodas for a while and I didn't notice any change. I maybe have 1 diet coke a day now and lots and lots of green tea.
  • lindsay03811
    I drink either a diet Pepsi or diet Dr. Pepper when I get to work in the morning, and usually some form of diet soda with my dinner in the evening.

    I have not found it to adversely affect my progress over the last 12 months.

    161! wow! congrats!!
  • heatypablo
    I have maybe one diet soda a week, if that.
    I don't think diet soda in moderation will harm or deter you from weight loss - it's all about moderation.

    P.S. It was hard at first to not drink soda, I was like, "What do I drink when I don't want water?" Haha... but you'll find your body slowly gets used to not having sodas and when you DO go to drink one after a long absence, you won't be able to finish an entire can - at least I can't. :smile: