

  • I have found there are no ingredients, pills, teas, or even colon-washes that work. The significant element in weight loss is reduction of calories. Even going to the gym is not as effective as reducing your calorie intake and I do both. I would go to the gym faithfully and eat everything telling myself that I was burning…
  • My doctor took me off cholestrol meds because my cholestrol dropped with my weight loss!
  • I find that Scotch and water at about 64 cal per shot is the best for me. Don't forget to use the shot glass to measure. If you are like me you might over-pour yourself.
  • Sadly, carbs = calories. So if you are counting calories then you won't be eating a lot of pasta. I make my own pasta and love it, but you can't eat it often and lose weight. Jim
    in Carbs Comment by jjkissinger March 2011
  • I find that carbs= calories. If you arn't getting "enough" carbs you probably are making your calorie goals for the day. When making decisions what to eat the food with the fewest carbs is usually your best deal. Never ever go to Costco and get the hot dog! After doing so I found that it was 500 calories. It depressed me…
  • You've got to have faith, if you are meeting your calorie goals then the scale won't lie.