

  • My husband likes to eat unhealthy,I don't. I cook meals that either we both enjoy and I alter mine to be healthy or I cook two meals using the same protein but different sides. If he wants to order pizza I offer to order him one and I will eat something else if I don't want it. I keep healthy snacks and fruit for me (I…
  • I cook in homemade sauces at times,or chicken broth. I don't worry about calories when it's chicken broth or lime juice but I do wonder how many extra calories I should count when it's a sauce denser in calories. I don't believe that its a crap ton of calories absorbed but I'm not an expert. The first reply is insinuating…
  • Chicken with sauce: ketchup,apple cider vinegar,brown sugar, mustard powder, Worcestershire sauce, sriracha, pepper, garlic powder and drained pineapple tidbits.
  • I am gluten free because I was having asthma attacks more frequently that could not be controlled without a couple of rounds of steroids. My family Dr didn't recommend anything other than more maintenance meds and gave a referral to an allergist (after I requested it). My Chiropractor/Nutritionist recommended going gluten…
  • Fantastic results! Way to go.
  • I sure hope so. Day 4 is already an improvement pain wise. I workout in my basement and had a hard time getting down there the last few days (thighs are killing me).
  • I just finished day 4, I am feeling better now afterwards than I was on day 2. Hoping to see some visible results after I'm done.
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