

  • I posted this article on there, because it seems pretty relevant:
  • There's a really good article about veganism that you might want to read:
  • Hi, I'm a vegan-ish vegetarian. I eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet that's pretty much 95% vegan, and that last 5% is just from when I go out to eat every once in a while and a non-vegan ingredient or two slips in there. I mostly cook all my own food and eat an 80/10/10 diet (80% carbs, 10% fat, 10% protein). I'm a big…
    in Vegans Comment by MuddyJeans88 July 2014
  • Sending you a request now! If anyone else sees me on here, I'm looking for more vegans/vegetarian friends as well.
  • I got this EXACT problem but on the roof of my mouth. I've read about it, and apparently some people are sensitive to certain acids or something called bromelaid (not sure on the spelling) in certain fruits. For me, it's just peaches and cherries and sometimes other stone fruits (the ones with pits). Other people commonly…
  • I'm just starting on this app again, but I've been vegan-ish for many years and I'm committing to 100% vegan in a whole foods, plant based diet. I pretty much avoid anything processed and try to eat mostly raw. I'm going for an 80% carb, 10% fat, and 10% protein diet. I'd love to have a few friends on here too. I'm also a…