Looking for vegan, committed friends

Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
See title :). Feel free to add me when fitting the description.

Here's my profile:

I have recently graduated Uni and am looking for my first professional job. Working in a cafe now, which blows.

I have been overweight since childhood and I have tried to lose weight using diets before and I always gained back most of the weight.
Now I want to try and change how I eat and live, rather than using temporary diets. I have been a vegetarian for years, now turning vegan and planning on piling on the veggies.

I am 5'10" tall. I lost 18 kilos on myfitnesspal a couple of years ago, but unfortunately gained 7 of it back due to stress eating. I am now 79 kilos and planning on going all the way to my goal. My goal weight will be somewhere around 65 kilos, depending on how I look and feel when I get near my goal.

I work 55+ hours a week and spend about another 20 hours per week looking for a better job, so I don't have much time to cook and plan meals. To make life a lot easier, I have decided to just eat the exact same things for two days in a row.
I also don't log my water, because I know I drink plenty. I finish a 1,5 litre bottle of spring water at work every day (which my boss provides) and then at home I have more water and green tea.

I am not very precise with calories, it just needs to fit in a 200 kcal window. First I will be doing 1200-1400 kcal per day, until I fit into my job interview outfit properly (which is only one size too small). Then I will be upping my calories to 1400-1600 kcal until I have reached my goal.
My exercise for now will be walking. I will walk home after work (3,5 miles) on days when it's not raining and will go for longer walks on the weekend, no matter the weather. Once I can afford it, I am planning on taking up yoga and swimming. I will eat back exercise calories.


  • marsgirlly
    marsgirlly Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not a vegan, but I'm dairy-free and eat a lot of veg friendly foods! I would be happy to be your friend if you'd like to be mine :)
  • MuddyJeans88
    I'm just starting on this app again, but I've been vegan-ish for many years and I'm committing to 100% vegan in a whole foods, plant based diet. I pretty much avoid anything processed and try to eat mostly raw. I'm going for an 80% carb, 10% fat, and 10% protein diet.

    I'd love to have a few friends on here too. I'm also a member of a group on Facebook call Plant Based Junkies, you should really check it out if you're into PB diet. It's the only group I've ever liked on Facebook, and probably the only reason I stay on FB. They are super friendly and supportive!
  • ttiger33
    ttiger33 Posts: 165 Member
    1st of all I would like to say Congratulations on graduation from School! Major accomplishment! :-) I have been back and forth with my diet. I would say a very conscious person as to what I animal product I eat. I have moments at least once a month where I want a steak, but no other meat. I would be happy to have you as MFP friend and encourage you with you lifestyle change.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I'm just starting on this app again, but I've been vegan-ish for many years and I'm committing to 100% vegan in a whole foods, plant based diet. I pretty much avoid anything processed and try to eat mostly raw. I'm going for an 80% carb, 10% fat, and 10% protein diet.

    I'd love to have a few friends on here too. I'm also a member of a group on Facebook call Plant Based Junkies, you should really check it out if you're into PB diet. It's the only group I've ever liked on Facebook, and probably the only reason I stay on FB. They are super friendly and supportive!

    Hiya. I don't eat much processed food as well, because it gives me migraines. And my breakfast and lunch are usually raw. I just like to have a warm dinner at night. I do try to make sure I get enough protein, because I have previously found that I get a bit faint if I don't get enough protein. I don't have Facebook, I'm afraid. I know, I'm like the only 20-something without Facebook.

    I will add you as a friend :).
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Added marsgirlly and triger33 as friends as well :).
  • pavot
    pavot Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Not a vegan, but a veggie! We have nearly the same starting point! I'm 5'11 (shout out for the tall girls!) and I'm 84kg. I'm currently doing the keto diet and feeling great (Been on it a week, lost 2kg already - although it's water weight yada yada) would be happy to be friends with you, even if you're not doing keto, just for the fact that I bet you have some great recipes and we're the same height, more or less.

    I'm back in the UK this summer (usually in France) and I have always been looking for ways to adopt a more vegan lifestyle (products in France aren't really tailored, as veganism/vegetarianism is lost on them).
  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    I am a vegan!
    I just sent you a friends request but thought I would post here as well.
    I am always looking for new healthy vegan friends, although I don't post super often.
    Take Care!
  • 1RadChick
    1RadChick Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there, I'm new as well! I gradually changed over to Vegan after several months of realizing I didn't really like animal protein any more. I was 75% plant based for the longest time, then last week, I just dropped it. No Regrets. I'm dairy free and gluten free as well. I'm 5'9", weigh 273. I've lost 35 lbs over the past year. I do DDP Yoga 5 days a week. I can't walk too far right now, as I have achilles tendinitis on my left foot, but I'm owning my journey! :)

    Having said that, I'm wanting to be sure I do this right. I track my food daily here, and I just don't know how to do it! Do I worry about calories? How much carb do I need? The carbs keep coming high. Is there a percentage that will make this easier? Guidance?

    Yea, I am a Virgo. LOL I like it to be fairly straight forward to understand. And I haven't been losing (I'm 53) for months so I am hoping this will help. It's amazing, my DOCTOR recommended it! I was floored. That was 2 years ago, and I have dabbled ever since but now I'm fully on board.

    Any guidance would be appreciated. I know I need to watch iron and B12, and I take Raw vitamins already... Is my daily 4 cups of Kale, 1 cup apple juice, 6 chunks frozen pineapple enough iron? What else do I need?

    Thanks in advance!
  • luckyFairy81
    luckyFairy81 Posts: 11 Member

    I'm not vegan ,but vegetarian. Most of foods/recipes i eat are vegan. . My family is vegetarian for generations .

    5.3 ,and 150 lbs. size 6 pants ,Need to reduce 20 lbs ,esp big belly.

    i was never thin ,but average weight most of my life.

    i gained almost 30 pounds due to my hypo thyroid condition , started medicine 2.5 months back ,which i guess should be under control as i was able to loose 5-8 pounds these 2 months in fitnesspal. Also i normally don't add any wheat products as it worsens my thyroid condition.

    I also work 40+ hours a week. and have 2 kids ( 9,4) ,so busy. , I try to cook whole and quick meals twice a day .
    No frozen foods or no processed foods. I don't but anything in cans or tins or cooked food in plastic packets.

    My goal is 50% carbs and 30% fat and 20% protein. 1200 t-1400 cal , it seems working well for me
  • matriarco
    matriarco Posts: 2 Member
    I'm vegan! I've been vegan for 16 years and try to not eat a lot of junk food. I'm happy to help with recipes, tips, etc.
  • Voww
    Voww Posts: 39 Member
    Vegan three years now after nine years as a veggie, not missing dairy as there's so many tasty alternatives - diary's open and I log everything but water, rooibos tea, decaf coffee, a multi-vit/mineral and an algae-source omega softgel.
  • 1RadChick
    1RadChick Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your friend request. It really helped looking at your daily food! I'm doing great! I feel SO much better. :) Today I'm stuck in an all day meeting and had to have a cheese and veggie sandwich (not GF bread) (and I'm usually dairy free) but the sandwich would have starved me if I hadn't eaten, and I didn't want to bring my own food to a meeting where everyone would have been staring. LOL (I don't have all day 'ers very often!)

    Anyhow, I'm a week in, and feel so good. I'm noticing that my fingers seem thinner, but not losing weight. Looking forward to seeing change!

  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    I have been meat and dairy free since January 1, 2014. I have not had any bread / pasta / white rice / white potato / alchol / soda - pop / candy / refined sugar / fried foods / processed foods & sea food for over 7 months now. You can add me if you'd like!
  • leahliddell
    leahliddell Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I was a vegetarian for four years and I've been a vegan for two! It's great seeing there are more of us on here. I'm not really on here to have some massive weight dropped- for me I just need to make healthier eating a habit along with exorcise. I just want to get fit. Chips are my weakness. Well, chips and beer. Also hoping to add some friends who are vegan.
  • amywise10
    amywise10 Posts: 33 Member
    Vegan here. Sent y'all friend requests :)
  • randomgirl73
    I just sent a bunch of vegan friend requests..... I've been vegan 16 years, vegetarian for 24, and I'm happy to have new friends!

    I'm not trying to lose much more weight... I'm mainly trying to eat very healthy and be fit by exercising....
  • 1RadChick
    1RadChick Posts: 6 Member
    Just checking in. Thanks to those who sent me friend requests! I'm starting in on my 3rd week today. I actually dropped a couple of pounds, which has been really rare for me! Yesterday I made a tofu dish that absolutely rocked my world, in fact I just had more of it for lunch! It was supposed to be a taco filling, but who needs taco shells. :)

    Looking forward to continued loss and support. Thoughts on getting a bit more protein into my day would be gratefully appreciated!
  • BugMuldoon
    Hi. I've been a fat vegan for about 9 years now, and a fat veggie for about 4 years before that. I've had enough of the fat and am determined to lose quite a bit of weight. I'm male, 6'3" and currently weigh 18 stone, current target of 14 stone. I'm very new to MFP and dieting in general, so to see how other vegan's are tackling it will be very helpful :) I know how to cook some amazingly tasty vegan foods, unfortunately they lack the healthy part! Hopefully I can pick up some ideas from you all.