

  • thats what i was doing as well... barely any carbs and mostly protein. I lost weight at the beginning but now I've stalled. From all the advice I've been given I've now added a few carbs to lunch (3 baby potatoes) with chicken. Apparently its especially good when you exercising as well... So will see what happens, good…
  • Try to increase your calories to 1200. Believe me I know how difficult it is cos I'm i the same boat, I used to average 800 cals (sometimes less than that on my exercise days). I started MFP at the end of Jan and lost 11lbs but now I've come to a grinding halt and havent lost anything for about 2 weeks. From all the advice…
  • I'll definitely try increasing my calories and having the protein shakes for sure. I've actually tried the USN ones and they arent too bad, usually I hate shakes but if its going to help me lose weight in the long run I'll def give it a go. I've actually just gone back and looked through my diary now - I didnt realise I…
  • Oh and another quick question; will increasing my calories now make me put on weight first before losing? I'm just under 5,4 I think I'm just weird that I dont eat fruit and veg, my mom used to force me as a kid and I just used to spit it all out. Its a weird texture thing for me... super strange. Funny thing is I'm never…
  • There was a few days I didnt log everything but I was really battling to get to 1200 and then with exercising it was taking me below. I put on the weight basically from eating too much junk food not really because I ever ate a lot. To be honest I never really felt like I was starving myself cos I've been snacking during…
  • Thanks so much. I've made my diary open now I think I'm also just really impatient and have hit a plateau which absolutely infuriates me.... I'm not a very exciting eating so anything I cook is usually plain with either a little chicken spice or meat spice. Maybe some feta if I'm feeling brave.
  • I'm the same - extremely fussy. I also read it was some type of disorder. Particularly I only eat bland or salty food. I wont touch fruit, veggies, seafood. The horrible thing is its actually really embarressing - I wish I could just eat like a normal person! The fact that I'm so fussy doesnt help with losing weight…
  • You can add me as well :)
  • Hi :) I'm 5,6 and 154 - also want to loose weight for my wedding, I'm getting married at the end of August 2013. People say that you lose weight right before your wedding but I'm not going to take the chance thats why I joined MFP - I only started a week ago and I must say its been such a help :) Good luck, we CAN do it :)…
  • Hi :) Congrats!!! I also just joined MFP to lose weight for my wedding, getting married in August and want to lose about 33lbs - hopefully by June if possible... I've found MFP absolutely awesome and people have been so encouraging! I'll send you a friend request :) Mel
  • Hi all :) I started on Monday and I'm on a mission to lose 33lbs by August - feel free to add me :)
  • Hi :) I'm 5'6 and 154.... hoping to get to 121 by July / August. I'm 31 one and was relatively slim in my 20's then by 28 / 29 it started to go downhill - I decided to take loosing weight seriously for 2013... When you in your 20's you always think you bigger than you are but trust me after the 30 mark it scares the crap…
  • 31, add me if you like :)
  • Thanks so much everyone :) I'm so motivated at the moment, I hope I can keep it up! A group of friends and I started working out with a trainer last night, such fun but my legs are like jelly today. We going 3 times a week so hoping its going to help get me where I want to be. I'm waiting for 3 months for my first dress…
  • Hi - I started on Monday... I'm 154lbs and wanting to get down to 121lbs :) Anyone feel free to add me
  • Hi :) I'm in the same situation.... put on quite a bit in what seemed like a really short period of time - I'm aiming to loose about 33lbs. Will send you a friend request :)
  • WOW well done, def motivated me! I'm also wanting to loose 33lbs by the end of August... I'm getting married on the 24th. How long did it take you to loose the 33lbs?
  • WOW well done :)
  • LOL, he's my fiance :) He's half portuguese :)
  • Hi, I'm new too and come from an overweight family. I've seen my dad struggle with his weight my entire life, he's now almost 60 and struggles with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems. He's never managed to lose weight. I've put on weight in the past 4 years or so and I'm getting married in August so I want to…
  • Hi I'm also new and keen for motivating friends, will send you a friend request :)
  • Hi Debbie I'm also new and wanting 2013 to be my year! I'll send you a friend request :)
  • Thanks so much Peggy :). I'm also eat when I'm bored and chocolate is also one of my big issues. I've been reading so many success stories on MFP and I'm hoping I'll be one of them... I dont even have a scale at home so will only weigh myself at gym, probably a good thing so that I dont become obsessed! Hopefully we can…
  • I'm new too :) I'll send you a friend request
  • I know how you feel!!! I went through the same thing last year, joined the gym and went for 3 months solidly - then I got sick and never got back into it. I started going again last week Monday so I'm also looking to try stay motivated... I keep thinkig to myself that if I'd just stuck it out last year I'd more than likely…
  • Hi Katerinne, I'm also new - just started yesterday! I'm wanting to lose 33lbs by the end of August, I'm getting married. I'm def keen to chat to people and stay motivated :) Will send you a friend request :)