

  • Personally i think 5% is more than achievable for me. I just have to work at it real hard. I gain last week, one lb is still 1 lb :-( but I'm still at an overall 5 lb loss so i'm ok, that actually puts me halfway to my 5% goal and a quarter of the way to my personal goal of 10%
  • I love talapia! :-) I don't eat heavy fish, grew up on the mississippi and i don't eat catfish. with that said there are tons of ways to cook it. try baking it with olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary. If you grill it make sure you put down foil. with grilling I like littlen bit of olive oil and lemon pepper seasoning,…
  • There's no way to specifically get rid of belly fats. your gynetics will decide where the burnt calories come of quicker but the more you loose the smaller your waist along with the rest of your body will get. you could specifically work on the the muscles in your belly. I like 8 minute abs, i find it on youtube and do it
  • Get on the elliptical more than pnce a week. walk anywhere you can, log all of your food. it you have a smart phone download the app to your phone then there is no reason you can't log. scedule your food and your workout because you will make better decisions. keep healthy snacks in your car. also where do you work out? if…
  • 1200 calories is just a guide. everyone is different. no 2 people burncalories the same. Maybe you should talk with your doctor to get an idea where you should be calorie wise.
  • I use podcasts too help me from
  • after watching what i eat and working out it makes my day and i can see the light because it tells me "if you eat and exercise like this you will weigh xxxxxx in 5weeks" that is what keeps me going. I also tell all my friends about it and it helps us be accountable to each other. so far i'm 5 lbs down and still losing :-)
  • Brown, 1 pound of turkey with one packet of french onion soup mix then make loose meat sandwich. If you're watching sodium this is not good for you but with how much I've been working out i need extra sodium.
  • congrats to everyone who's binge free! I just found this and would like to share, when i need to avoid a binge i try to keep my mind busy. I work out, clean, grab a glass of water, anything to keep me out of the drive thru, out of the fridge. PRAYERS to everyone, you can do it!