Couch to 5k



  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Ok W1D1 complete...yeah me!!!! I did it and it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.

    Best of luck to all others who are starting the program. WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    GREAT JOB!!! I started week 3 and I think I may have to re-do week 2 :( I'm going to give it another try first, and see how I do though.
  • i just looked at the website and the workout plan looked pretty intimidating...i am at 235 and running a min straight and I am beyond out of breath. My question is...if i do the treadmill version what speed do I use? Right now it takes me 30min to do just 1 will that change to 30min to do 3mile! YIKES! that's 10min a mile :/

    thoughts anyone...

    I hear ya - I can do about 45 seconds of running and I'm spent. So what I've done to start out (considering I weigh over 300 lbs), is I start out at a 2.5 walk, which is relatively slow, but it's a good pace. Then for the first 4 runs I bump it up to 3.5, which is still a walk, but it's a brisk walk. Then after that, if I think I can do a 4.0 or 4.5 jog, I do those for the next runs. I try to do my last run at 5.0, which still isn't fast by any means, but it's pretty fast for these chubby little legs. By the time I get to the last run, my body is in the groove, and it's so much easier for me to run the whole 60 seconds at 5.0. After week 1I can already tell that I'm building stamina. I'm going to take it slow, though, and do each week twice so that I don't hurt myself.

    Just do what you can, when you can. The day will come when you can run the whole thing! We can do this! Good luck!
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    I really liked this program. It was easy for me to get into. Unfortunately I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym so the weather really affected my progress. I'll be picking it up later on after the snow goes away.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I'm really proud of myself! I gave week 3 another shot before I went back to do week 2 again and I did it! I actually ran- ok, jogged, for THREE minutes!! I didn't think I'd make it, but I pushed myself. So if I can do it, ALL of you can too!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I am so glad I came across this message board topic! I started training last week to do a 5K. I was using an interval timer on my phone (along with Cardio Trainer app to track distance) and a training schedule I found online. I didn't know there was an app for the C25K program! I'm so excited, I just downloaded it :) Much easier this way. Luckily, the training schedule I was doing was very similar to the C25K program.

    Having completed the first week and beginning my second week, I've already found that my speed and distance has improved. I'm not a runner. So far I'm happy with the results and am looking forward to completing my first 5K in May!
  • thanks for the advice and's good to know that I'm not alone fighting this and that it can be done!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    I did the same thing! The only catch was that it was alittle hard on my knees and my breast hurt really bad. So I took action and doubled my protective wear (if you get my drift) and wore a knee brace for a while. SLOW is the secret for me. I once read that is is better to go more of a distance at a slower pace than it is to go fast and at a shorter distance. Now...I do a 5k on the elliptical 5 nights a week and 1 weekend day I run it outside (weather permitting). Good luck to you! You can do anything that you want if you give your body respect!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    i just looked at the website and the workout plan looked pretty intimidating...i am at 235 and running a min straight and I am beyond out of breath. My question is...if i do the treadmill version what speed do I use? Right now it takes me 30min to do just 1 will that change to 30min to do 3mile! YIKES! that's 10min a mile :/

    thoughts anyone...

    I'm 236 lbs. Tomorrow is Week 2 Day 1. Thinking its intimidating is placing doubt in your mind already. Stop with that feeling defeated out the gate mentality. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Its not about speed. Its about endurance. Thats what you need to focus on. Also if you feel you need to redo a week then do so.

    Take the challenge!! You might like your results.
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Hi all

    This is good timing - I'm planning on starting C25k tonight. Anyone want to buddy up?
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I really liked this program. It was easy for me to get into. Unfortunately I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym so the weather really affected my progress. I'll be picking it up later on after the snow goes away.

    where do you live? I'm in Canada and I ran a 5k in -30C windchills :yawn: I have no idea how many feet of snow are on the ground but I completed the last several weeks of C25K in the snow outside.
    cheap pair of pull on ice cleats and you're set.

    To all the runners over 200 lbs... YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished C25K and I'm still super excited about learning to run again.
  • you all are definatley inspiring me...i have two brothers that are marathon runners and me..well, not so much...i would lolve to run a 5K. Lets keep our chins up and do this!! :)
  • ontheheap
    ontheheap Posts: 12 Member
    C25K is excellent! I started it about a month ago. I do it at the gym on the treadmill. I do 3.5 mph walking speed and 5.0 mph jogging speed, all at a 1.0 incline. I'm almost finished with my second week of "week 2" (90 seconds jogging / 2 min walking) and just about ready to begin "week 3." My goal is to be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes by my b-day (beginning of July). I think it's important to do the program at your own pace, using the weeks as goals to achieve instead of as a schedule to keep.
  • I use podcasts too help me from
  • I don't have a phone that uses apps, so I just found a copy of it online and printed it up. I tried it last spring and managed to build up. Like the others said, it was difficult at first, but it did get easier. I just decided running wasn't for me. Others have told me it was because I was inside on a treadmill, that it would have been better outside. However, I liked the privacy of running in my own home. At first, so people couldn't see me struggle, and then because I got so warm I just ran in a sports bra and capris--not something I'm comfortable wearing in public.

    Here's a link to the C25K (for those without phone apps):

    I think it's great you're doing this program! I don't mean to tell you my disinterest to discourage you. I hope you'll take from me my ability to build up and run for a full 30 minutes--me, who has never been a runner.

    I have a friend who has started from scratch, too, and now runs marathons all the time. Just be patient, keep it up and you'll totally be able to run the marathon! Good luck!!!
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    I really liked this program. It was easy for me to get into. Unfortunately I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym so the weather really affected my progress. I'll be picking it up later on after the snow goes away.

    where do you live? I'm in Canada and I ran a 5k in -30C windchills :yawn: I have no idea how many feet of snow are on the ground but I completed the last several weeks of C25K in the snow outside.
    cheap pair of pull on ice cleats and you're set.

    To all the runners over 200 lbs... YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished C25K and I'm still super excited about learning to run again.

    I'm actually just south of Canada in Upper Michigan. I bought a pair of track shoes with spikes (really light weight, monsterfly or something by nike). Would those work as well?
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    At 5'6" at 225, I started the couch to 5k running program last April. I ran my 1st ever 5k race in July. It was awesome and I now run 2-3 miles on a regular basis.

    Now here's the results part - I did NOT watch my calories (and wasn't on mfp) so I only lost 10 pounds. I did, however, also lose 2-3 inches over most of my body! Remember, muscle weighs more then fat. (Can you imagine what would have happened if I HAD been watching my kcals???)

    As for your knees - if you have problems, see the doctor. I actually have knee ligament problems (and they don't go away if I'm skinny, though it helps), but having been to both a doctor and a physical therapist, I know running is safe for me.

    In the end, every step forward counts and if you want to be able to run 30 minutes straight (something I barely did even when I played sports), couch to 5k will get you there. And if you need to take it slow, like doing every week twice, go for it!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I want to lose about 60 lbs. I started the C25K program last week. Today I will be doing Week 2, Day 2. So far so good for me. I've never been a runner. I've always hated it! But my goal for myself this year is to run a 5K. It has gotten easier as I go. Stick with it!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I really liked this program. It was easy for me to get into. Unfortunately I don't have a treadmill or belong to a gym so the weather really affected my progress. I'll be picking it up later on after the snow goes away.

    where do you live? I'm in Canada and I ran a 5k in -30C windchills :yawn: I have no idea how many feet of snow are on the ground but I completed the last several weeks of C25K in the snow outside.
    cheap pair of pull on ice cleats and you're set.

    To all the runners over 200 lbs... YOU CAN DO IT! I just finished C25K and I'm still super excited about learning to run again.

    I'm actually just south of Canada in Upper Michigan. I bought a pair of track shoes with spikes (really light weight, monsterfly or something by nike). Would those work as well?

    I don't see why not. You just need a little traction so you can run with confidence. Good luck!
  • hmm22
    hmm22 Posts: 1
    You guys are inspiring me to keep going! I'm about to start week 3 and so far have been hanging in there. I've scared myself a bit by scrolling through to the weeks ahead and am already fretting about having to run for 4,5, and 10 minutes long. The only thing calming me down are all of the success stories I have read. I'm on my last 20 pounds and have really boosted my weekly loss by using this program so far.

    This is my first time trying it; many times I've downloaded the podcasts only to be turned off by the terrible music so many of them rely on, and I was too cheap to invest in the iPhone app. Around Christmas I kind of realized that I was spending piles of cash on presents for other people, but I wouldn't spend $2 on something that could really open a lot of doors for me.
  • Is the C25K something that I should consult a physician before embarking in?
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