18yr old guy and need some tips

edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I recently turned 18 and i decided to become un-fat hehe. I need some good ways to lose weight like specific work outs. I currently just go on the elliptical once a week. I really wanna lose belly fat the most, My family really isnt the richest so if possible recommend workouts that dont need certain machines

Thanks :)


  • ironlinae
    ironlinae Posts: 3 Member
    My suggestion would be to add in some bootcamp style workouts to build muscle and add intensity to your workouts.
  • I don't go to the gym at all. I use Billy Blanks' workout DVD's. I've been on this site for a week monitoring my workouts & eating and I've lost 8 pounds so far. Good Luck :)
  • Inspiredtobe
    Inspiredtobe Posts: 53 Member
    You can try the P90 workout. It's a workout video with different circuits you do for 90 days and in the end you get great results. Just do some research on P90 if you're interested. Don't forget to eat healthy and at least 1,200 calories a day and never give up. Good luck! (:
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member

    Go on to the Mens Health website... my boyfriends subscribes to their magazine, and I do workouts from the Women's Health website. It's a great fitness magazine/website that is geared to everyday people, not those who want to bulk up for competitions. I highly recommend it! Many of the workouts that I find on the Women's site use the body as a weight or use simple free weights... i'm sure the Men's site will have many of the same!
  • julesr
    julesr Posts: 1
    Be encouraged. My friend lost 75 pounds by doing the elliptical machine 3 times a week for about 45 minutes. She also decreased her portions and went for walks which later turned into power walks. Those are the only workouts she could afford to do and they worked fine for her. Can you find someone to walk with and workout with to stay on track?
  • Walk walk walk. Everyday. Go to the library and check some DVDs out.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Hey Casey,

    Work out 4-5 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day. Don't kill yourself at first. Build up to it.:happy:
    Cut back on your fat, refined carbohydrates and sugar intake and replace with fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean meats.
    Drink at least 64 ounces of plain water every day. :drinker:
    Keep track of your exercise and calorie intake here on MFP.
    Do these simple things and you will start to see a difference this time next week.

    Good luck and all the best to you on this journey!

  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    Do cardio. Get away from junk and embrace this experience. Take it one step at a time.
  • Get some workout DVDs (they're usually pretty cheap at the store) with some weights and all of that good stuff, go for walks/jogs, go for a swim, ride a bike, if there are places around you that are close... walk there, instead of drive! :) Go to the park with some friends/family members and play Frisbee or ball or something fun, or if there are any trails, walk on them! Do a lot of active things. :)
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    Start walking and gradually work up to jogging. It's the best for dropping weight along with eating properly. All you need is a pair of running shoes. Good luck.
  • viola5618
    viola5618 Posts: 9
    Get on the elliptical more than pnce a week. walk anywhere you can, log all of your food. it you have a smart phone download the app to your phone then there is no reason you can't log. scedule your food and your workout because you will make better decisions. keep healthy snacks in your car. also where do you work out? if it's at home try to go outside or the gym. if you're unable to get a gym membership because of money see if there are any low income programs for your local Y
    Hope that helps
    I recently turned 18 and i decided to become un-fat hehe. I need some good ways to lose weight like specific work outs. I currently just go on the elliptical once a week. I really wanna lose belly fat the most, My family really isnt the richest so if possible recommend workouts that dont need certain machines

    Thanks :)
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    don't know if you netflix, but you can rent workout dvd's to find one that you like.

    good luck!
  • Thanks everyone for all of the great tips :) one more question: whats a good way at home to lose some belly fats? (without machines)
  • chrisuy
    chrisuy Posts: 39 Member
    Congratulations on starting your journey to a better you!

    If your goal is weight loss make sure you monitor your daily intake of food (easy with the help of this site) and stay as active as possible. If you can do those two things day in and day out, you'll be seeing a smaller slimmer you.

    Unfortunately, there really isn't a way to spot reduce just from your belly. Follow the above tips and it'll come off in time. Good luck!
  • viola5618
    viola5618 Posts: 9
    There's no way to specifically get rid of belly fats. your gynetics will decide where the burnt calories come of quicker but the more you loose the smaller your waist along with the rest of your body will get. you could specifically work on the the muscles in your belly. I like 8 minute abs, i find it on youtube and do it
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