Costume Changers Forum (Week 3)



  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member

    Dropped 4 pounds this week (for a total of 6) and managed 15 miles for a total of 32!

    Awesome! Very excited to see the scale this morning.
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    Last week was good and bad for me, did some exercise but not at 100%. I did lose which was good but didn't get much miles in and I feel so behind right now. Wasn't able to do much last week because it was raining so much and my cold was kicking my butt. My plan for this challenge was to try and walk in addition to my exercise classes and/or videos but now I'm wondering if I should track my steps in the classes to go towards my miles.

    What do you guys think? Any ideas to increase my mileage?
    Thanks and here's to week 3, we can do it!!!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I only track miles I walk, run, or bike. I don't count steps during excercise.

    Personally, I am taking this as a Challenge to add milage. Above and beyond DVD workouts. That's just me.
  • jsprax
    jsprax Posts: 31
    I only track miles I walk, run, or bike. I don't count steps during excercise.

    Personally, I am taking this as a Challenge to add milage. Above and beyond DVD workouts. That's just me.

    I'm doing the same - only tracking miles that I walk or run, not aerobics classes, or running errands, or walking around at work. Just a personal take on it, but I wanted to challenge myself to ADD 100miles to my month :)
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    I only track miles I walk, run, or bike. I don't count steps during excercise.

    Personally, I am taking this as a Challenge to add milage. Above and beyond DVD workouts. That's just me.

    I'm doing the same - only tracking miles that I walk or run, not aerobics classes, or running errands, or walking around at work. Just a personal take on it, but I wanted to challenge myself to ADD 100miles to my month :)

    Thanks! I just feel so behind on my goal. In my mind I was going to walk a certain amount everyday and I just haven't been able to do it and I am disappointed. I'll try hopping on the treadmill or bike at the gym a couple times this week before my classes.

    Thanks again for responding!!
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Going to try to crank up the miles a bit this week, weather permitting. The beginning of the week is never good for me - just work and home, no time to go out, so it's dificult to keep the motivation going.
  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    I completed my second 5K this past Saturday and really improved my time. I think it is due to all the miles I have been logging lately. Super motivated by this challenge and wishing all you Costume Changers good luck this week. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    I was challenged in getting my miles in this last week too because my feet were hurting and I had a bunch of things in the evening that kept me from the gym. I took my family on a long bike ride this weekend and that helped me, also I've been using the elipitcal instead of exercise classes because I felt that it was an easier/better way to track my miles. Thats what worked for me, hope you get those miles in. I calculated it out that if you walk 2.3 miles daily you will reach that 100 mile goal. Good luck!!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    I did alot better this week and the scale agreed with me...lost 5.1lbs:tongue: Last week I lost less but I knew I lagged in exercise and my water intake so I am very pleased. Need to watch my calorie intake, it is very low at times..but overall great week.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Personally, biking is the easiest way to pick up miles. I ended up with 104 miles last week and about 80 were on the bike. This challenge seemed to have sparked my interest in riding again-burned out after I had ridden over 2500 miles to train for a bike ride across Iowa in July. I am only down about a pound but that is the first positive change in about 2 months so I am happy to see the scale is at least moving again.
  • Personally i think 5% is more than achievable for me. I just have to work at it real hard. I gain last week, one lb is still 1 lb :-( but I'm still at an overall 5 lb loss so i'm ok, that actually puts me halfway to my 5% goal and a quarter of the way to my personal goal of 10%
  • sarabhorton
    sarabhorton Posts: 27 Member
    Well the weather *finally* cooled off a bit here, so I was able to walk more outside which felt great. Logged lots of miles on the bike, so I think I'll challenge myself to another 100 miles after I finish up the first hundred - 200 miles by Halloween :)

    The weight loss is veryyyyy slow but feeling hopeful that I'll be able to reach the goal by H'ween.
    This challenge has really helped keep me motivated, so thanks again, Elana!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Well the weather *finally* cooled off a bit here, so I was able to walk more outside which felt great. Logged lots of miles on the bike, so I think I'll challenge myself to another 100 miles after I finish up the first hundred - 200 miles by Halloween :)

    The weight loss is veryyyyy slow but feeling hopeful that I'll be able to reach the goal by H'ween.
    This challenge has really helped keep me motivated, so thanks again, Elana!

    Because I am counting everything I do, I wear a bodybugg so I am counting my daily steps, I will join you and up mine to 200 miles by Halloween. My goal for this week is to do 3 bike rides which would be 60 miles for just my bike rides, but then I add my goal of 10k steps per day which is 5 miles each day... It all adds up pretty quickly. I'm going to change my goal to 200 miles!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    The first two weeks I've lost about half a pound, but I'm already past the 100 miles. The challenge motivated me to start taking a spin class and I've been to five so far. With about 20 miles "biked" each Tuesday and Thursday, it's been great. The scale isn't being kind, but I think it'll catch up once my body gets used to all the exercise. Had a non-logging weekend because a good friend was in town, but oddly enough, lost the 3 pounds that I somehow gained in the middle of last week after a weekend of drinking and eating. Weird.

    Good luck with the week everyone!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    The first two weeks I've lost about half a pound, but I'm already past the 100 miles. The challenge motivated me to start taking a spin class and I've been to five so far. With about 20 miles "biked" each Tuesday and Thursday, it's been great. The scale isn't being kind, but I think it'll catch up once my body gets used to all the exercise. Had a non-logging weekend because a good friend was in town, but oddly enough, lost the 3 pounds that I somehow gained in the middle of last week after a weekend of drinking and eating. Weird.

    Good luck with the week everyone!

    So you are joining us and increasing your goal to 200 as well? :happy: :tongue: :flowerforyou:
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    This was a good week for me. I lost three pounds and a total of 3.5 inches from my neck waist and hips. I am on my feet alot! I think I could do better on my mileage if I tried harder...
  • sarabhorton
    sarabhorton Posts: 27 Member

    I will join you and up mine to 200 miles by Halloween. My goal for this week is to do 3 bike rides which would be 60 miles for just my bike rides, but then I add my goal of 10k steps per day which is 5 miles each day... It all adds up pretty quickly. I'm going to change my goal to 200 miles!

    Yay! So excited to have *company* in the new goal! Who else is in for upping their goal to 200 miles?
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Hard to believe... I think 5% is going to be tough to reach... but, I'm going to just keep given er.

    I was thinking the same thing .. I've made a big effort to get walking outside in my routine ... Now instead of waiting for my dad to pick me up at the train station after work, I walk the 2 miles home. Then I'll go to the gym or do an exercise video at home . I am noticing alot of inches coming off (especially around my waist) but the pounds are staying the same

    I could definately be more diligent with my eating ... Even though I've been in MFP since April, I hadn't really been "using" the program until September .... so i guess im going to just need to give it time for the program to work!

    Anyone else finding this too???

    I have been on this site for a very long time and just started using the tools available to me when I re-started my efforts a month or two ago. The calorie counting and exercise log and stuff are great!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    I am so happy....decided to check my waist and hip measurements this morning, first time since starting.... I have lost 2 inch off my waist and 1 inch off my hips! Can't believe it!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I got my Halloween costume yesterday! Time to get down to business! It is just a smidgeon tighter than I want it to if I can just lose these last few pounds by Halloween, I will be all set to go! :-D