

  • 18 (19 in a week :P ) I hit rock bottom today actually, after analyzing exactly what it was I ate yesterday (I wouldn't be surprised if it was 3000 kcal), I'm an emotional eater, like a few of you who have commented, so when I am stressed, nervous, or sad, I shove food in my face until I need to roll to move. It's bad.…
  • Hi guys! Height- 5"7 S.W.- 137 lbs C.W.- 134 lbs G.W. - 124 lbs Want to get back to where I was less than half a year ago!
  • Soya Protein shake with a wide variety of fruit and veg (not all at once) blended in together with some soy milk. That way I get some protein and fruit/veg in one go!
  • Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I look forward to this journey!
  • Hey guys, adding you all :) Bear with me as I go through sending requests, need to make sure I haven't missed anyone out!!!
  • Quite a few posts since I last looked, difficult to quote all. Anyways, I am so excited to have so many people on board! Really looking forward to it. I have to run for the time being since a friend arrived for a couple of days and we are meeting up to have a chat, but I will get back to everyone regarding some great…
  • If there are any questions, don't hesitate to message me. It took me some time to adjust as well, and would love to ease your struggles :) And of course I will motivate you!
  • As long as you eat healthy, exercise and have a balanced lifestyle, you should slip up :) I'll send you some recipes later on today, and hope they will be good. Always have a positive mindset, because that is a huge step in the right direction! Looking forward to being buddies
  • I managed to up my kcal/day to 1750, but I do admit, I think it was a large change, but I definitely feel better. I am now eating back any kcal I may have burned if I exercised in the evening. If during the day, I am eating like I usually would, with a bit extra :) Hopefully will be able to up my kcal by 200 next week,…
  • I'm in! Looking to lose about 5 kg in total, but whatever comes off by then, I am happy with :) As long as I am exercising and eating right, that is good
  • Well, good luck with everything. It sounds like you are definitely on track now, what with eating back calories and not allowing deficit to be too high. I guess the term 'you can do/eat everything in moderation' really applies to this. There is only so much you can eat/exercise before it is considered to be excessive. I…
  • I love exercising. It gives me such a good feeling after working out. 5 hrs a week is perfect for me, no more no less, but never burning more than 600 kcal in one hour like I used to do :/ I take it easy but still make an effort. Also, I'm on my feet a good part of the day, so I need the extra energy.
  • Thanks guys :) I understand it more which makes this easier :) I jumped from 1100 straight to 1600 so I definitely feel a difference in food intake, will increase much more slowly from now on but I do feel a definite change in energy levels. Also, I don't know if this is connected, but when I wake up, I actually wake up,…
  • Oh, ok. No the one above is my TDEE including my activity. My sedentary TDEE is 1753 kcal/day. So I should just use that one then, and if I do exercise, eat back my calories to reach at least BMR?
  • Congratulations! You look great :)
  • Hey there! I'm looking for a buddy as well to motivate and to be motivated by :) Sending you a request now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Hi there! I myself am looking for a few buddies along the way :) I had two on MFP that I know personally, but they both bailed on me, Would love to help you out, and am sending a request, so you should get it soon. Looking forward to it! And if there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  • Hi, I'm sort of new, been on MFP since January 2013. Looking for some buddies to help motivate and be motivated by :) Tbh, I don't know how to do the whole friend request thing though :(
  • Thank you so much! Locked the scales away and am trusting this new, healthier lifestyle :) It is already the third day after changing everything, and I feel like I have so much more energy. I used to hate having to walk into town to get groceries and go to the gym, but now I feel like I could walk it three times there and…
  • I was really thin most of my life, and never really had to worry about what I ate because I looked good whenever I looked in the mirror, I felt healthy, I exercised and was never ashamed of what I saw. I have always been a bit fuller around the hips and legs, but I do have an hourglass shape, so my shoulders help to even…
  • 1791 kcal/day is my goal calorie intake according to scooby's workshop website in order to lose fat. TDEE-2264 BMR- 1461 Since I'm coming out of this whole undereating, which number should I use to place manually in to MFP? I am sorry for all the questions, but I am slightly confused, I've been looking through the website…
  • According to the calculations, I calculated my calories to 1791 kcal per day, but I have been eating 1200 per day (pretty much starvation mode I guess), so if I eat more, I am assuming there will be a definite period when I gain since my body isn't used to it, but will it definitely start going down once my body gets used…
  • I will try weighing myself less frequently, I think that may help because I am quite self-concious and it is difficult for me to get over a small gain, thank you! Also, I calculated my calories to 1791 kcal per day, but I have been eating 1200 per day, so if I eat more, I am assuming there will be a definite period when I…