

  • Awesome Job! Keep up the healthy life!
  • I have done it once and am on my way through it a second time with a couple modifications. I absolutely LOVE it! It may seem like death at first but it does get easier as you do it. I didn't lose weight (I actually gained 2lbs.) cause I didn't have much to lose but I did really tone up. I saw results definitely!
  • Do some strength training! Muscle is very important and you don't have "bulk" up. The more muscle you have in your body the more calories you burn when you do nothing at all:)
  • Interval training is the best way to burn maximum calories (shed fat) and ton your body at the same time. And thats awesome because the more muscle we have the more calories we burn when we are sitting at a computer or sleeping at night.
  • Sure is! I love Insanity. I have gone through the program once and am doing it again with a few modifications. Awesome cardio and strength training combined!
  • You can do it! What are you doing exactly? General weight loss or a specific program?
  • Something I recently learned is that when you eat it shows up on the scale 2 days later not that day or the next day. So you could be seeing the results of what you ate 2 days before. But also keep in mind that you are a women, it is natural for our weight to fluctuate throughout the month. If you have been eating healthy…
  • I would recommend doing the exercises that are easy along with the ones that are challenging. They work different muscles so even if you can only do a few, do what you can. As you work and build those muscles those exercises will become easier and you will find yourself able to do more of them. That is the great thing…