narfy88 Member


  • Why is everyone hating on detox? yes your kidneys and liver usually get the job done, but theres nothing wrong with a little boost! try adding fresh ginger to your diet. I put a few slices in my nutriblast. It has great flavor and awesome detoxifying properties. Also water water water all day everyday. Green tea is always…
  • Showercurtain Selfie
  • I would like to volunteer. I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I have been using MFP for the past 2 years, and one of the best and most motivating things is having an online community/buddy to bounce ideas off of and encourage each other.
  • Read the MFP daily blog, they recently addressed this same question. I wouldn't eat them back unless you are power lifting or feeling extra hungry/tired on the days that you do earn them. Obviously, the less you eat back the more you will lose! just makes sense! good luck
  • I like jokes ;)
  • Funny you said this. Went hiking yesterday for 2.5 hrs! I was BEAT but felt awesome! great tip.
  • Frozen Grapes, greek yogurt with chia seeds (dont chew the seeds, just swallow them whole. way easier to stomach), fruit smoothies (add a little yogurt for protein/creaminess. if you wanna get really crazy, add some ground hemp seed), hummus with pretzels or carrots, nuts (i'm a pistachio addict.) and lots of water/unsweet…
  • Now that we finally have some nice weather, I cant wait to do some discing! Its one of my favorite hobbies and such great exercise too! maybe my boredom came from not being able to enjoy some sunshine! lol
  • You completely missed the point of this post. Sorry for wanting to change up my normal routine and get some ideas.
  • Congrats, Girl! You are doing great. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I've been getting down on myself for "only" losing 16 pounds since the new year. Instead I should take your advice and celebrate what i have accomplished! Keep it up!
  • my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't…
  • As far as the junk food in your house goes, maybe you can make a 'junkfood cabinet' in your kitchen. Even make a sign that says "no mom zone" on the front to remind you don't even open it!
  • I'm not going to leave you judgemental comments or tell you how your boyfriend sounds like a total douche, because he obviously has to have some redeeming qualities that you find endearing or you wouldn't have spend years of your life taking his crap. I'm just going to give you some advice because I too have dealt with a…
  • It is SO true that most people who struggle with weight issues is because of their mindset. I have been wanting to lose a significant amount of weight for over 5 years now. I tried every new diet craze, include HCG drops (where you can only eat 500 calories a day, no duh it worked), the 4 day diet by dr Ian Smith, weight…