Denisha805 Member


  • I plan on weighing my self every friday morning.
  • Hello everyone! At my heaviest I was 221 and now I am somewhere around 207. It feels like once I hit the 200 pound mark the scale just kept creeping up.. My goal is to be under 200 by my wedding June 7 Long term is to get to 170 while losing fat and gaining lean muscle.
  • I ordered my dress and super excited for it to come back. My wedding is in June. So far I have lost 15 pounds. I had to order my dress to fit my hips which at the time was a size 18. I have lost a significant amount of inches around my waist to I am super excited for them to have to take it in!!
  • Gliding as a bride is a must!!! I get married in June. Down 15 pounds since November and my goal is to lose 15 more by May!! Lets do it girlie!!!
  • Congrats!! I am a June bride so I completely understand what you are feeling. You definitely have enough time to reach your goals. At one point I was attempting the low or no carb but I had not energy for my workouts.
  • Hey Ladies! I am getting married June 7 and the heat is on! I have been going to the Gym 5-6 days a week and have begun strength training. I have stopped stepping on the scale because it would make me an emotional mess and caused me to feel defeated. I have lost 10 pounds since November and I feel great. Its crazy how…
  • Hello everyone! Please add me. I am looking for encouragement and motivation and I will give the same. I am seeking to track my meals more consistently.