Anyone out there trying to lose weight for their wedding?


I'm 43 with a seven year old son and I'm getting married in August and don't want to be a buxom bride. I want to lose 14 pounds which I know doesn't sound a massive amount but I'm finding it tough so decided to give this a go. I use to be able to control my weight before I had my son as I smoked and while I'm happy I kicked the habit I rely on will power alone these days and it often lets me down.

Any brides to be out there who wish to glide as a bride instead of wobble like me, let me know how you're doing x


  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    Not my own wedding, but my dad's! Also in August. c:

    I wish you luck. I think 14 pounds is absolutely doable. I'm trying for 20-25, ack.
  • Hi both, I'm 28 and get married in May, I have 14 weeks to get myself in tip top shape.

    I have lost 18lbs since joining my fitness pal and did it with a low/no carb, high fat diet.

    I started at a healthy 11 stone, at 5ft 10 it's pretty normal. I was size 12 . And I lost a stone before my dress fitting so I could get a smaller size. I put half a stone back on after my fitting and now with a few weeks before my 2nd fitting I have come back on my low carb diet and have lost a further 10 pounds bringing me to 9st 10 and a size 10 bottom and size 8 top which I am happy with and just need to maintain now for 14 weeks.

    I know low carb always sounds daunting or extreme but I hate trying to count calories and fat as I just get so bored. I eat a lot of fried food, dairy and nuts which are my favourite. And I don't think about food all day. I can't cheat and I can't miss meals.

    How lovely an august wedding for you are ur plans going???
  • Denisha805
    Denisha805 Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats!! I am a June bride so I completely understand what you are feeling. You definitely have enough time to reach your goals. At one point I was attempting the low or no carb but I had not energy for my workouts.
  • Denisha805
    Denisha805 Posts: 7 Member

    I'm 43 with a seven year old son and I'm getting married in August and don't want to be a buxom bride. I want to lose 14 pounds which I know doesn't sound a massive amount but I'm finding it tough so decided to give this a go. I use to be able to control my weight before I had my son as I smoked and while I'm happy I kicked the habit I rely on will power alone these days and it often lets me down.

    Any brides to be out there who wish to glide as a bride instead of wobble like me, let me know how you're doing x

    Gliding as a bride is a must!!! I get married in June. Down 15 pounds since November and my goal is to lose 15 more by May!! Lets do it girlie!!!
  • ncstewy
    ncstewy Posts: 1 Member
    I have my brothers wedding in August and I'm a bridesmaid. I will be the oldest in the wedding I'm sure and they are looking at off the shoulder dresses. I want to loss about 40lbs before the date. Im finding the weekends very hard to stay on track. I will like all the motivations that I can get. Thanks ncstewy
  • Wow you're doing well out there ladies, it really inspires me to see your weight losses and realise if I focus I CAN do this! What diet are you doing now Denisha805? As my energy levels are often a problem for me as I'm not always a great sleeper which often makes me reach for a sweet fix or find I haven't the energy to workout!
  • Hey lankylil4, you are doing so well and you're where I want to be size wise for my wedding. I'm currently a size 12 which is fine but I want that elusive size 10 for the big day!! With that in mind I'm getting out of bed now and heading for the cross trainer. Wii definately go and buy some nuts and seeds too, need something to snack on!