Need to lose for Wedding

I need to lose 40 lbs for my wedding in November. I have lost 7 lbs in almost 2 weeks. Not sure if that is good or no so good. Does anyone have any advice? I need help.


  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    I lost 25 lbs for my wedding. I started using MFP and going to the gym. After getting bored with the gym, like I usually do, I joined a Boot Camp class and started doing that 3+ times a week. That is when I really saw a difference in my body. Even though I didn't lose a lot more weight while doing Boot Camp I gained a ton of lean muscle and it made such a difference in the way I looked and felt.

    Knowing I had a dress to fit in to was the BEST motivator I've ever had to lose weight and get in shape. And I rocked that dress on my wedding day!!

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    7 pounds is Awesome in 2 weeks! Truly.

    What would you like help with? Eating? workout idea's? schedules?
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!! You can so do this by November!! 7 pounds is a great start. Many people start off losing 1-2 pounds per week so you are doing really well. what kind of workouts do you do?
  • andread123
    andread123 Posts: 28 Member
    You can do it! I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding too. I will add you so we can be each other's cheerleaders :)
  • Congratulations on both the wedding and loosing the weight already. I think that is a good start. My daughter is getting married in Nov and I also have to loose about 30lbs. Good luck
  • jesschandler
    jesschandler Posts: 4 Member
    My names Jess I'm 20 currently at 323 looking to lose 148 I want to get down to 175. I also have a BBM group id anyones interested for 30 day challenges. if you don't know BBM is available on iPhone and android.

    This is a BBM group for 30 day challenges. in the morning let everyone know what needs to be done for example for 30 day squats i will let you know you need to do 30 squats and i will send you a link on how to do them properly so you get the most out of them :) this is a great way for us to all motivate each other.

    This is the link to the code for scanning
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Congratulations and good luck!!! I'm getting married next year and have some weight to lose, too! We can do this. Just hold yourself accountable :)
  • Denisha805
    Denisha805 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I am getting married June 7 and the heat is on! I have been going to the Gym 5-6 days a week and have begun strength training. I have stopped stepping on the scale because it would make me an emotional mess and caused me to feel defeated. I have lost 10 pounds since November and I feel great. Its crazy how sometimes I feel that Im losing and other days I'm like am I REALLY LOSING? This get healthy journey is a trip of a lifetime! Best wishes to all