jerameylovinglife Member


  • Hey all. I'm down to my last 60lbs. And I need lots of motivation. Add me
  • good luck, i am also coming back and i lost weight and gained it back. so i am with you. the hardest thing for me is that i am a Truck driver. i work heard every day, but i don't work physical so there is the problem. but i'm not giving up at all. good luck you you.
  • Hey Dakota, just sent you a friends invite. would love be on yours.. we could help each other keep going.
  • Hey im getting restarted as well, good luck and i sent you a request. would love to see you on here. good luck and remember we all are Supermen and women.
  • hey all, i am a truck driver, and am looking for people to help me stay motivated. ive been on MFP for a wile and while i have not lost any weight i have not gained any more, so that is good. Ill help y'all if you want to help me.. friend me please. o and my goals are to live a long and happy life with my wonderful wife.
  • If he overdose it at the gym, he can really harm his body. Most helth sites say 2 to 3 lbs. a week is truly helthy, and skipping breakfast is a no, no. But I don't know if a protean shake is considered breakfast.
  • Gardening Is a great way to cut a lot out of your bill. I started with a small garden just outside my door, and grew it to where now I only have a $250.00 grocery bill every month. This is for me, my wife, and son. Learn to can, and when you Can, buy a seal-a-meal, and a dehydrator. Both are around $50.00 a peace. And dont…
  • well i know that water is the best, heck we all do, but as an alternative to giving up and drinking coke it is much healthier, You may also want to just give your Dr. a ring and just ask what he thinks. i myself drink unsweetened tea with lemons. .... and you can do what i did to get to that point. i started out using…
  • it is good to start over and get a fresh start.. and really study your body out... now if you dont feel you can control it, you may need to see a Dr. to get a total physical evaluation, and also going to a psychiatrist that specializes in overeating may be able to talk you through some of your troubles.
  • I work swing shift and i have found that it is just as easy to go from 12 to 12 ... each night so if i eat something at 10 pm it is for that night and if i eat something after that say at 1 am it is for that next morning even though i have not slept yet.. i have still lost a few pounds and i dont go over my cals. anyway..
  • I spent most of my life comparing myself to everyone i saw.. I would get mad, hate them, hate myself, lock my family away.. and eventually destroyed a marriage to a great woman because i felt so miserable and took it out on her. I didn't even see most of it until it was to late. After the divorce i took a good long look in…
  • Hey, this may help. i started about 3 months ago trying to loose weight and i was not loosing anything. i got on here and still a few days of nothing, even though i had met my goals every day.. then i took a look at the type of carbs i was putting into my body.. and i changed that from simple, or over processed carbes to…