Weight lose and exercise

So my brother who is fifteen wants to lose weight. He is thirty something pounds over weight. He wants to lose that in3 months :huh: . He says he will work out 5 hours everyday in the gym throughout the day. He says he will drink protein shake in the morning and not eat breakfast, he started to eat healthy food so........ I wanted to know if this is bad? The hours of workout:indifferent: ? Not eating breakfast:indifferent: ? He also wants to know if you know what can he do to have muscle while losing?:smile:


  • jerameylovinglife
    jerameylovinglife Posts: 13 Member
    If he overdose it at the gym, he can really harm his body. Most helth sites say 2 to 3 lbs. a week is truly helthy, and skipping breakfast is a no, no. But I don't know if a protean shake is considered breakfast.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    wow, you and your 15 year old brother have the same weight loss goal... fancy that!
  • BranDiesel_27
    Thats alot of hours for an untrained person to be working out a day. cut down alot he should be focused on his diet more than his time spent in the gym.

    if he is planning on being that much in a gym i highly dont recommend him skipping meals.

    Breakfast should always be had and never skipped.

    If he wants to lose weight there should be a calorie deficit and since he is going to be having a low calorie intake he doesnt NEED protein shakes. He should stick to real food. If hes looking to put on mass and muscle he can think about taking them but he doesnt need them to lose weight and gain muscle.

    If he wants to lose body fat but maintain/put on muscle he should be focused on his macros along with cals (pro/carb/fat) The average dieter, I believe, sees most progress through a 30% fat(+/- 5%) / 40% carb(+10%)/ 30% pro(+10%)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thats alot of hours for an untrained person to be working out a day. cut down alot he should be focused on his diet more than his time spent in the gym.

    if he is planning on being that much in a gym i highly dont recommend him skipping meals.

    Breakfast should always be had and never skipped.

    If he wants to lose weight there should be a calorie deficit and since he is going to be having a low calorie intake he doesnt NEED protein shakes. He should stick to real food. If hes looking to put on mass and muscle he can think about taking them but he doesnt need them to lose weight and gain muscle.

    If he wants to lose body fat but maintain/put on muscle he should be focused on his macros along with cals (pro/carb/fat) The average dieter, I believe, sees most progress through a 30% fat(+/- 5%) / 40% carb(+10%)/ 30% pro(+10%)

    Bull. It doesn't matter one iota WHEN you eat your calories. Skip breakfast. Skip lunch. Skip both and eat like a horse at dinner if you want. It won't affect your weight loss so long as you get enough calories for the day, strictly speaking. Ya it will probably have an effect on your cognitive function, moods etc if you skip 2 meals every day but to say something like "breakfast should ALWAYS be had and NEVER skipped" is just wrong.
  • BranDiesel_27
    Ive seen both work. But i seen better results from people when they eat their breakfast!