daimere Member


  • "a LOT of people put the weight back on after they stop buying the program foods." You do NOT have to buy any program foods. They even have a new program called Simple Start which does not encourage frozen foods but power foods. When I was following WW to a tee years ago, I was eating around 1500-1800 calories. Yes, I…
  • You have some great great advice. When I started losing weight 5 years ago, I just started walking more and ate less fast food (new job/no money). I lost 25 lbs not even trying. Then I started to really do it. I tried to figure out a few things I love: shrimp, mushrooms, broccoli. I tried to figure out things I hate: milk.…
  • I daily weigh (and totally happy about it cause I know it's just numbers than can and will flucuate). I know when my cycle is about to start I: stall stall stall GAIN GAIN whoooooooosh down to 3 lbs lower than the stall numbers. And if you are about to start, well you could definitely be bloated
  • I follow IF which means that for a bit the kitchen is closed to me. :p It really does help!
  • I do it all the time. From get ups, I'm so amped and stressed that I can't sleep. This helps burn the energy. When we switch to full 12s, I think I'll have to change things to wake up at 3p to fit in exercise. Currently I only do 2 twelves and will try to fit in a 30 minute workout
  • I do. I log them in a seperate app. It helps keep me on track. But I only count one day every week. It also helps me to see how TOM affects my weight
  • I've restarted multiple times. But you are smaller than last time. I feel like that is a success! I restarted in the end of November. You can do this!
  • No. After so many failed attempts and restarts, I am not telling a soul except for a few people. I haven't even told my mom. I also don't want people to wish me to failure. Or be like "oh this won't work." I've been hula hooping for a while anyways. So if I get more toned/whatever, I can just blame that. I also just got a…
  • Someone told me today to join Planet Fitness but they don't allow hula hoops. So nope. Not happening
  • When I wake up, that's when I start logging. MFP will let you skip to tomorrow. Which is why I chose MFP. I consider what I eat Wednesday evening, to be Thursday. Now, when I have not done IF, what I would usually do if I was trying to stay up past my normal time, I would reset calories at the normal time I would be…
  • "base your deficit on a percentage off your TDEE and eat above your BMR. profit from the results." So you're saying BMR (coma like state) and then TDEE is the other side of the spectrum which supports day to day living (walking around, work, etc)? I've always been confused about TDEE
  • I eat during "windows of time." Although I have never heard of a 2 hour IF frame. I've done 4-8 hours. But I still log and workout. I tend to eat the same foods over again. So it tends to be around the same cals every day.
  • I will stall/gain for 4 days before TOM. Two days after it starts, wooooosh. But I don't want to exercise at all during TOM. Yes, I have cravings but some months are easier than others. I usually will sneak in a treat most days anyways.
  • "While it did keep me in check, because I feared pooping my pants; the fact that it blocks fats from being observed made me kinda leary" That is exactly how they worked for me. They were like training wheels in the beginning for me. But I never had accidents in my pants. But if you don't eat 5 grams of fat at every meal,…
  • "I haven't taken any measurements as I want the weight to shift. But if it makes me feel better then it's worth a shot!! :)" Taking measurements IS worth it. Because there have been times I've had paltry losses but that month, I lost 10 inches across my body. Example currently is that all my clothes are fitting the same. I…
  • I work as a nurse aide and I'd say if you have low bodyfat, the story is believable. Years ago when I started losing weight, I barely could do 5 lbs. Then I started working as a nurse aide. And I was so weak. I'd tell my co workers I'd need help rolling a person over all the time. They'd be so annoyed. Over the years, I…
  • I used to be a big proponent of eating throughout the day and stuff. And then I started working in the medical field. Night shift of all things. Especially with my longer shifts, healthy eating was becoming SO stressful. Trying to space calories and points throughout the day was so hardddddd. I was still having issues with…
  • I changed to MFP because MFP allows me to skip to the next day. I may wake up on thursday but I consider that Friday. Sometimes I'm only up for 2 hours on "Thursday." I consider all my eating to the next day since I spend the bulk of my day on the NEXT day, It may be confusing to some but oh well. Actually I've started…
  • From what I understand, it depends if you are doing a calorie fast or an insulin based fast. The butter/oil/coffee doesn't spike the insulin. If you are doing a calorie fast, then yes, you are breaking the fast
  • Some people will disagree that it's a good diet. I have been doing it for a few weeks (I also combine it with eating windows). It's great. It's changed my tastes completely already. I ate half my chinese supper today. I've found out that food doesn't rule me as much as I thought. I can identify my binging easier,…
  • http://www.fitbit.com/user/22CVD7 is my fitbit pro
  • I've had 3 ultras and looooooove it. My last ultra was having issues and I was able to get a one for $50. It makes me so much more motivated when I have one! And I find it's the best to count my steps. The only issue is when I do bellydance class and I do lots of shimmies. Wooo kinda cheats it a bit!
  • I always track ribcage and I was loosing fastest there last time. But I basically would recheck my bra sizes if my bra was loose/riding up or I needed to replace bras (I have to at least every 4-6 months
  • Thank you for that link! I like being able to break down the minutes of activity!
  • I'd only do it once a day but choose another form of exercise other than 30DS if you wanted to "add" to it. You can find some videos you could do online (youtube and other websites) or go for a walk.
  • I've done a few of these things that people have suggested. On my off days, I will make a big batch of something (couscous salad, chilis, and a few other things) and would eat on those all week. Some of the things I'd freeze for leaner times (that has really helped). Overnight oatmeal is a great thing, too. I would precook…
  • The first day I had horrible knee pain. I realized I needed a different (walking) warm up. I also will switch moves that I think are not good for my knees (sometimes I will run in place or march in place). I will mix and match stuff. I also do not do forward lunges. I think there was a fitness hoop training that I took…
  • If you want to do workouts like Fluidity without buying the barre, look up Physique 57, Bar Method, Barre3, Xtend, etc. A lot of those have modifiers that use a chair. P57 sells a portable barre for $200. Pure Barre sells a wall mounted and door mounted barre.
  • I think it depends on what you are doing. I can waist hoop for 30 minutes and barely be breathing or sweating. But today I was dancing and I was out of breath like I had just been running. There's the ACE formula here: http://www.acefitness.org/certifiednews/images/article/pdfs/HulaHoopStudy.pdf I think other times with…
  • I have the barre. If you're unsure about the price range, try a Bar Method, Xtend, Barre3 or other barre exercises. These are all dvds that you can use a high back chair for the exercises. I tried the old Bar Methods before I invested in a fluidity barre. Even the beginner's version can be hard. I have to shake it out a…