AfreezeAdventure Member


  • I am currently working on getting in shape as well. I work anywhere from 4x 10-hour shifts to 7x 14-hour shifts. The best method is to go in the morning. Even if you're not a morning person. Change your alarm on your phone to get up 1-hour early on Mon/Wed/Friday's and go to the gym. If you're someone who just won't get…
  • Day 1- 5:00am alarm, mix some water with pre work out and hit the gym by 5:20. Day 2- Wake up at 5:30- 20-30 minute jog. No prework out required when I go for a jog. Rinse and repeat. Saturday or Sunday off! (edited to include) I'm on week 3 of this cycle and it works great. Had a hard time getting out of bed this morning…
  • Full body HIIT (think super set with up to 1 min between) workouts are best for burning calories. But if that option isn't really available to you. Go with Muscle groups. My work out plan currently is Chest/Tri's Legs/ Shoulders Back/ Bi's Core/Cardio(HIIT) break
  • I guess my next question is... Is it safe for me to do this? What are the possible effects on my body such a low calorie intake can have? I mean other than the obvious substantial weight loss at to fast of a rate.
  • Problem is that I am eating! I go to the gym every day...sometimes I burn 1k calories per day.. which would put me at 2750 that day. When you put that into the food I have available ( I work in a construction camp) I'd have to eat either terribly greasy or salty foods, or a TON of healthy foods. My "Fill" in foods is…
  • I have a similar situation at home except the opposite. My fiance buys organic -almost-vegan food..and doesn't take into consideration the healthy foods I enjoy. My suggestion is, if you're going to do YOUR diet, you shouldn't force your husband to follow the same guidelines. the attitude in these forums are "THIS PERSON…
  • Use barbells, lift regularly, continually make gains. Try to do push ups every day. even if it's 1, you will see gains sooner or later.
  • Chicken skewers with red/green pepper and what ever other veggies he enjoys Lean steak with bbq'd peppered broccoli hot sauce chicken breast with wild rice Stir Fry with low cal soya sauce (2 Table spoons is really enough) Large Salads with egg, nuts, chicken breast I mean, all you really have to do is find some stuff he…
  • Goal is to burn as many calories as possible in the short amount of gym time that I have. In this case was roughly 30 minutes.
  • Throughout the day eat a hand full of nuts here and there. You'll find your calorie's will raise quickly. if you eat a lot of salads use oils..they're high in calories as well. (I have an olive oil that 1 tbsp has 120 calories)
  • Gym for me. It ultimately depends on what I'm doing though. If I'm doing a Yoga night, than I stay home. If I want to do a chest work out I go to the gym. I also enjoy jogging on treadmills and ellipticals more in the winter than running outside. But if you can stay motivated at home, and have the equipment you need…
  • If you just eat less to lose weight, you also lose muslce mass. There is a term called yo yo dieting which might explain it better. "Yo-yo dieting gets its name from the cycle of bingeing, then dieting to lose the weight gained bingeing, then repeating the cycle again and again. Yo-yo dieters typically gain weight over…
  • I agree, with this. Do it every 5 weeks or so.
  • I make oatmeal bars with Honey, Goji Berries, pumpkin seeds, almonds (basically any nut).. Cook em and cut them into 12 squares (roughly 140 calories a square) I eat them as a nice healthy snack. You can also add High protein nuts, or protein powders to make them into a nice protein bar.
  • Thanks! I appreciate it! Just to clarify my weight loss 256 down to 216 (as of last week.)
  • Sometimes it's very hard to say no. You just have to work extra hard in the gym. There are what 270 calories in a cupcake? That is like 15 minutes on an elliptical with interval training. Or like 10 minutes doing a vigorous calisthetic workout. I would suggest, if you know something is coming up, burn a few extra calories…
  • I am aiming to lose 60-70 before bulking, I have lost 40 already. Feel free to add me as well.
  • That's known as zig zagging calories. Where you eat less than the amount one day, and more than the amount the next. As long as at the end of your 7 day cycle you end up with the same amount of calories, or less. Than it's fine. That being said. As far as I can tell myfitness pal won't do that automatically..but you can…