I see a little Jessica Alba?
Pass but only bc I don't swing that way! Lol.
My kid's Easter candy is taunting me right now.
I'm going to try to make good decisions but I can't promise anything!
I will go under circuit training and look at what it says there.
I went under cardio and logged it as strength training but it was only 189 calories, I sweated my tail off and was out of breath quite a few times. I feel like I worked harder than that! lol
- THIS is my opinion, if you don't like it, oh friggin well. I am a SAHM of three kids and I have a college degree, what I choose to do as my "career" is my business. This whole damn post was just trying to…
9! ????
I love the Dove ads, if they wanted to show "regular" women they should follow that lead. All shapes, all sizes. In theory, I think they were just trying to embrace the "imperfect" woman but they failed. I am a size 6 but I have stretch marks and other imperfections, this is the direction that the ad should have taken.
The Fitness Blender workouts look awesome! Thanks!!
A blonde Mila Jovovich (however you spell it!)
Girls night!
8, pretty eyes!
Can't really see your face! :(
8 from what I can see - I am on my phone.
Nope - too young and I can't really see your face.
I stay at home with my three kiddos - hardest and most rewarding job there is! :)
That he is a runner? Lol.
I can't think of a celebrity but you look like my friend Julie!
@ sarantonio 8
Yes @ DrDustin
Can't see your face but nice body! 8 ish.
Off the charts?! lol
I can't think of anyone off the top of my head but you are really pretty! :)
Ummmm.... not sure, lol