

  • When you get the answer to your question, tell me how to do it too. I'm perfect all day long until after dinner. Then I blow it.
  • mine is open, just add me! take a look!
  • I must be on that same plateau that you are on. For at least three weeks now fluctuating between 191 and 193. Last sunday I finally hit 190 but the next day back up there again. I am totally discouraged but, I know I'm eating much healthier now. When you finally get off that plateau, grab me and take me with you.. Good…
  • I buy the 0%, use it in place of sour cream. and some times for breakfast and fruit mixed.
  • A lot of the same here. I went on the needle 4 yrs ago and it has become a way of life. I joined MFP in January and by monitoring carbs and sugar intake numbers, My insulin injections have become easier to manage. (I take 4 injections per day.) My Dr. tells me to try to be @ 45to60 carbs/sugar intake per meal. Very hard at…
  • you could go to, it shows calories,fat,and carbs. I also have the book called the calorie king. Bought it at a book store. it shows every food including fast food. I use it all the time. the web site is good also. but the book is at my finger tips. Good Luck!
  • I, am insulin dependant diabetic. Insulin is required when the pancrease does not produce enough insulin to balance your sugar and carb level as you consume it. (Carbs turn to sugar in the blood). When your blood sugar requires you to inject insulin, the insulin is a key" in allowing you body to consume the sugar as energy…
  • hello, same with me. I do great all day, But after dinner the sweet cravings hit me.. try this.. after dinner if the comfort food cravings strikes, eat fresh fruit or a special k (Kellogs) bar. Last night I ate 3oz of frozen all natural blueberries Thawed of course. Good luck!
    in Hello Comment by cfletch123 January 2013