lets talk about insulin



  • siblita
    siblita Posts: 39 Member
    I read the article linked above, and while it does have some good points, I think that it dealing with folks with a normally functioning pancreas. The trouble comes in when the body's insulin response is not accurate - in the case of too much insulin response, which is a factor in insulin resistance, and the reactive hypoglycemia that hyperinsulinemia creates. (which triggers hunger, even when the person knows they just ate a couple hours ago and should not be hungry).

    I think that the dietary advise of the decades to eat every 2 -3 hours never lets the insulin levels decrease, keeping people on a blood sugar roller coaster (unless they have a well functioning endocrine system and can keep it steady despite).

    What I am seeing is that the endocrine system is so damn complex, and interdependent, I am leery of the experts that say do x,z, and z. As a type 2 diabetic, I just watch my glucose meter, labs, carb craving levels, and weight loss to see if I'm on the right track. But I am fascinated with the science of it.

    The problem is that the bleating sheep of the general populace act as if they should handle insulin in the same ways that diabetics do. I'm not sure of the exact statistics, but I'm certain that most people do not have issues with insulin, and if they suspect that they do, they should really have it confirmed by a doctor before they presume that there diet is impacted by it.

    What I mean is that there is a general fear that carbs and sugars somehow cause weight gain, when the reality is, that most people are not going to gain weight because they ate a banana.

    I don't know...looking at the overweight/obesity stats and how prevalent it is, I don't know that we can say with certainty that most people do not have issues with insulin. The current way that "issues with insulin" is diagnosed is when people finally the reach the diabetic level. And even those stats are considered low by the experts - I believe that the ADA suggests that millions of people have diabetes and haven't been formally diagnosed. And before that, people think that if their blood sugar levels are ok, then they don't have an issue. But what they don't know is how much insulin is it requiring to keep your blood sugar ok? Is it a normal level, or is it a high, or super-high level?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I read the article linked above, and while it does have some good points, I think that it dealing with folks with a normally functioning pancreas. The trouble comes in when the body's insulin response is not accurate - in the case of too much insulin response, which is a factor in insulin resistance, and the reactive hypoglycemia that hyperinsulinemia creates. (which triggers hunger, even when the person knows they just ate a couple hours ago and should not be hungry).

    I think that the dietary advise of the decades to eat every 2 -3 hours never lets the insulin levels decrease, keeping people on a blood sugar roller coaster (unless they have a well functioning endocrine system and can keep it steady despite).

    What I am seeing is that the endocrine system is so damn complex, and interdependent, I am leery of the experts that say do x,z, and z. As a type 2 diabetic, I just watch my glucose meter, labs, carb craving levels, and weight loss to see if I'm on the right track. But I am fascinated with the science of it.

    The problem is that the bleating sheep of the general populace act as if they should handle insulin in the same ways that diabetics do. I'm not sure of the exact statistics, but I'm certain that most people do not have issues with insulin, and if they suspect that they do, they should really have it confirmed by a doctor before they presume that there diet is impacted by it.

    What I mean is that there is a general fear that carbs and sugars somehow cause weight gain, when the reality is, that most people are not going to gain weight because they ate a banana.

    I don't know...looking at the overweight/obesity stats and how prevalent it is, I don't know that we can say with certainty that most people do not have issues with insulin. The current way that "issues with insulin" is diagnosed is when people finally the reach the diabetic level. And even those stats are considered low by the experts - I believe that the ADA suggests that millions of people have diabetes and haven't been formally diagnosed. And before that, people think that if their blood sugar levels are ok, then they don't have an issue. But what they don't know is how much insulin is it requiring to keep your blood sugar ok? Is it a normal level, or is it a high, or super-high level?

    Well perhaps blood-glucose testing should be a regular fixture of the standard check-up. Have you ever considered that if someone with a normally-functioning pancreas suddenly decided to modify their diet as if they have insulin issues that the sudden underactivity of the pancreas could result in a pre-diabetic or hypoglycemic state?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    should you really be worrying about insulin? unless you are diabetic or have some sort of metabolic abnormality, in other words you are a 'normal' individual - no, just eat at a deficit and the weight will come off. Also as a note when you eat a large protein/fat based meal you will still spike an insulin level - it doesn't require some magic number of carbs.

    But the problem is that insulin resistance is a continuum - normal looking people may have it for years before it reaches the level of diabetes. The low fat high carb diet promoted everywhere is just putting fuel on the fire to develop diabetes years later.

    For years I was "normal" and had a rather kick *kitten* metabolism, but all the while my pancreas was overproducing until it just couldn't keep up. I think of all the skim milk I drank as a kid/teen/young adult and shudder. I was unknowingly hastening the insulin resistance.

    Is there an easy way to know if one will have a problem with insulin resistance later in life, so they can then eat accordingly to avoid the metabolic dysfunction?

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?

    My understanding is that it's basically a signalling chemical. It tells you cells when to build tissue. The higher your insulin levels, the stronger that signal to build will be. It is also my understanding that insulin isn't specific to to fat or anything else... that it simply tells your cells to build tissue, and what types of tissue they build is dependent on a variety of factors.

    True? Completely wrong? What say you?

    I am a fourth year medical student - whose almost done with rotations, so not a Dr but I will have my MD in a few months.

    People on boards do freak out about insulin too much in my opinion so I'll just give you a basic overview then my thoughts on in it - however I just want to preface saying that I am going to be discussing it in regards to a healthy person, if someone has DM type II or I or is prediabetic then they are under a different set of circumstances

    Insulin is secreted by your pancreas and has a number of functions - like you said it gives a 'building signal' which encourages adipose/muscle production, it opens certain glucose channels which allow sugar to enter certain cells including skeletal muscle tissue and it promotes the formation of glycogen which is a stored form of energy.

    people typically spike insulin when they are post-prandial or in a post feeding state and a normal persons sugar will return to their 'baseline' level usually within two hours.

    In regards to dieting: Insulin does not make you fat, people believe that their low carb diets are working because they arent spiking insulin but in reality the reason why low carb causes you to lose weight is because you are depleting your glycogen (which takes a lot longer then people think, you wont deplete all your glycogen in one hard workout, it takes a while) so your body has to oxidize fat - betaoxidation of fatty acids releases ketone bodies --> hence why people like to say they are in ketosis, just a fancy way to say you are producing ketones.

    should you really be worrying about insulin? unless you are diabetic or have some sort of metabolic abnormality, in other words you are a 'normal' individual - no, just eat at a deficit and the weight will come off. Also as a note when you eat a large protein/fat based meal you will still spike an insulin level - it doesn't require some magic number of carbs.

    If you are a person concerned about Insulin resistance then I encourage you to visit your Dr.

    Thanks for your very well presented and informative post.
  • cfletch123
    I, am insulin dependant diabetic. Insulin is required when the pancrease does not produce enough insulin to balance your sugar and carb level as you consume it. (Carbs turn to sugar in the blood). When your blood sugar requires you to inject insulin, the insulin is a key" in allowing you body to consume the sugar as energy rather than the sugar just floating around in your blood stream.
    If your sugar levels remain high, the sugar eats at the lining of your nerves, causing nerve damage.
    American diabetes Assoc, recomends you blood sugar level to be between 80 to 120. I keep mine at around 80 to 100.
    My entire diet evolves around my diabetes, so I pretty much know what to eat and what not too.
    Hope this was helpful.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?

    My understanding is that it's basically a signalling chemical. It tells you cells when to build tissue. The higher your insulin levels, the stronger that signal to build will be. It is also my understanding that insulin isn't specific to to fat or anything else... that it simply tells your cells to build tissue, and what types of tissue they build is dependent on a variety of factors.

    True? Completely wrong? What say you?

    I am a fourth year medical student - whose almost done with rotations, so not a Dr but I will have my MD in a few months.

    People on boards do freak out about insulin too much in my opinion so I'll just give you a basic overview then my thoughts on in it - however I just want to preface saying that I am going to be discussing it in regards to a healthy person, if someone has DM type II or I or is prediabetic then they are under a different set of circumstances

    Insulin is secreted by your pancreas and has a number of functions - like you said it gives a 'building signal' which encourages adipose/muscle production, it opens certain glucose channels which allow sugar to enter certain cells including skeletal muscle tissue and it promotes the formation of glycogen which is a stored form of energy.

    people typically spike insulin when they are post-prandial or in a post feeding state and a normal persons sugar will return to their 'baseline' level usually within two hours.

    In regards to dieting: Insulin does not make you fat, people believe that their low carb diets are working because they arent spiking insulin but in reality the reason why low carb causes you to lose weight is because you are depleting your glycogen (which takes a lot longer then people think, you wont deplete all your glycogen in one hard workout, it takes a while) so your body has to oxidize fat - betaoxidation of fatty acids releases ketone bodies --> hence why people like to say they are in ketosis, just a fancy way to say you are producing ketones.

    should you really be worrying about insulin? unless you are diabetic or have some sort of metabolic abnormality, in other words you are a 'normal' individual - no, just eat at a deficit and the weight will come off. Also as a note when you eat a large protein/fat based meal you will still spike an insulin level - it doesn't require some magic number of carbs.

    If you are a person concerned about Insulin resistance then I encourage you to visit your Dr.

    Good stuff, thanks.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Have you seen this info from Kreiger?

    Interesting read! Thanks for sharing :)
  • siblita
    siblita Posts: 39 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.

    Sad, I thought this was a really good thread full of great points and respectful discussion.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.

    I apologize to the OP for engaging the insulin resistance conversation. You are correct, what insulin does and what occurs in its absence are two different topics. Trying to merge them confuses the discussion.

    @siblita - It was a good conversation, but perhaps, it would be more appropriate for it to have its own thread.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    All - it's fine. No, insulin resistance isn't where I was hoping this thread would go... but I do think there are probably more people concerned about those issues than the things I'm curious about, as evidenced by the natural progression of this thread. Feel free to keep the conversation going, and I'll throw in my $.02 when appropriate.

    I need to go back and reread the article linked early on in this thread... I think I'll have some follow-up questions to that which will bring conversation back to the things I'm interested in.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?

    My understanding is that it's basically a signalling chemical. It tells you cells when to build tissue. The higher your insulin levels, the stronger that signal to build will be. It is also my understanding that insulin isn't specific to to fat or anything else... that it simply tells your cells to build tissue, and what types of tissue they build is dependent on a variety of factors.

    True? Completely wrong? What say you?

    I am a fourth year medical student - whose almost done with rotations, so not a Dr but I will have my MD in a few months.

    People on boards do freak out about insulin too much in my opinion so I'll just give you a basic overview then my thoughts on in it - however I just want to preface saying that I am going to be discussing it in regards to a healthy person, if someone has DM type II or I or is prediabetic then they are under a different set of circumstances

    Insulin is secreted by your pancreas and has a number of functions - like you said it gives a 'building signal' which encourages adipose/muscle production, it opens certain glucose channels which allow sugar to enter certain cells including skeletal muscle tissue and it promotes the formation of glycogen which is a stored form of energy.

    people typically spike insulin when they are post-prandial or in a post feeding state and a normal persons sugar will return to their 'baseline' level usually within two hours.

    In regards to dieting: Insulin does not make you fat, people believe that their low carb diets are working because they arent spiking insulin but in reality the reason why low carb causes you to lose weight is because you are depleting your glycogen (which takes a lot longer then people think, you wont deplete all your glycogen in one hard workout, it takes a while) so your body has to oxidize fat - betaoxidation of fatty acids releases ketone bodies --> hence why people like to say they are in ketosis, just a fancy way to say you are producing ketones.

    should you really be worrying about insulin? unless you are diabetic or have some sort of metabolic abnormality, in other words you are a 'normal' individual - no, just eat at a deficit and the weight will come off. Also as a note when you eat a large protein/fat based meal you will still spike an insulin level - it doesn't require some magic number of carbs.

    If you are a person concerned about Insulin resistance then I encourage you to visit your Dr.

    Beautiful. There you go! A doc to be that knows something about insulin and nutrition, YAY! Doc-to-be if you have time could you discuss some of the smooth muscle cell re-uptake that healthy individuals get with training? This might be good for the diabetics to hear. Thank you for encouraging those who think they have an insuln abnormality to see their doctor.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.

    Wow, thanks for reminding me why I have started to avoid forums all-together. It would seem that discussing how something works(or doesn't work) isn't that far off topic. It was not my intentions to hijack anything and apologize to the OP if that happened. Carry on....
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.

    Wow, thanks for reminding me why I have started to avoid forums all-together. It would seem that discussing how something works(or doesn't work) isn't that far off topic. It was not my intentions to hijack anything and apologize to the OP if that happened. Carry on....

    mmapags is a very smart, well researched, and very helpful MFP member. I'm sorry you feel attacked by his statement, but I can guarantee that he was just trying to keep the conversation on course.

    The problem that he and the OP are trying to discuss is how insulin affects the normal, average individual who is not insulin resistant. Too many people think insulin affects them in ways that are similar to someone who is diabetic/insulin resistant, when in fact it does not. The point of this discussion was to determine how insulin acts in a normal body and to educate those individuals so maybe they won't be so sensitive/concerned about insulin and related issues.

    Does insulin resistance deserve in depth discussion? Absolutely. Does it need to happen on this thread? Probably not. (although the OP has now said he doesn't mind...but still, mmapags wasn't trying to attack you.)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I appreciated the "soon to be MD's" perspective on this discussion. I guess I'm wondering how jacksonpt's question on what insulin is and how it works has somehow turned into a discussion of Insulin Resistance and diabetes. I do not agree at all that all of the general population is somewhere on a scale of insulin sensitivity issues. Unfortunately, this is the kind of thing that happens when this topic is brought up. People with an agenda get on the soapbox.

    Seems to me if someone wants to start a thread about insulin resistance they should instead of hijacking this one.

    Just as a reminder, this was the original question: "Let's start with the most basic question... what is insulin's function in the body? What does it really do?"
    I don't see anthing there about insulin resistance and how that impacts obesity in the general population. Let's get back on track.

    Wow, thanks for reminding me why I have started to avoid forums all-together. It would seem that discussing how something works(or doesn't work) isn't that far off topic. It was not my intentions to hijack anything and apologize to the OP if that happened. Carry on....

    mmapags is a very smart, well researched, and very helpful MFP member. I'm sorry you feel attacked by his statement, but I can guarantee that he was just trying to keep the conversation on course.

    The problem that he and the OP are trying to discuss is how insulin affects the normal, average individual who is not insulin resistant. Too many people think insulin affects them in ways that are similar to someone who is diabetic/insulin resistant, when in fact it does not. The point of this discussion was to determine how insulin acts in a normal body and to educate those individuals so maybe they won't be so sensitive/concerned about insulin and related issues.

    Does insulin resistance deserve in depth discussion? Absolutely. Does it need to happen on this thread? Probably not. (although the OP has now said he doesn't mind...but still, mmapags wasn't trying to attack you.)

    Correct and thanks Lora!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I guess my question would be this (again OP please feel free to smack me into place if this isn't the direction you'd like your thread to go) does an otherwise healthy athlete who requires more carbohydrates in their diet (i.e. marathon runners) have a greater chance of developing diabetes later in life than an athlete who isn't required to have such a high volume of carbs?
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Insulin is produced in response to eating. Eating High GI (glycemic index) foods results in more insulin being produced, than if you eat Low GI foods. The glycemic index of food is determined by how quickly the energy in that food is released into the body. Low GI foods results in lower levels of insulin being produced over a longer period of time, reducing the peaks and troughs experienced with high GI foods (these being refined flours and sugars, and any foods made from them.

    The following is the advice I give the my clients about a healthy diet (including weight loss) and a healthy heart. Essentially this is a Low GI diet that is suitable for the general population, pre-diabetics, and those with insulin resistance. Suitable for most People with Diabetes as well.

    Eat a variety of whole grains throughout the day (whole grain bread, whole meal pasta or a mix of 50/50 with white pasta; brown rice, or again a 50/50 mix with white rice; couscous is really easy and quick to make a salad with as well. These whole grains slow digestion and keep you feeling full for longer.

    Lean protein (meat with all visible fat removed,) eggs, low fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, beans (kidney, green, edamame, chickpeas etc. (good for maintaing and building new muscle cells when you're increasing exercise or changing your workout.) Important to help maintain or build muscle mass required for strength as we age, and maintain or increase our metabolic rates.

    Fruit and vegetables - a variety if different colours but a minimum of 5 servings per day. These are what give you the right nutrients for staying well, and assisting recovery after a hard workout.

    Water - 6-8glasses per day, more when you exercise. Amount depends on how hard you work out or sweat. Helps to hydrate yor body and remove toxins.

    The other thing I tell my clients is this:
    if you think you have a lot of changes to make, pick one thing and work on it for the week. The next week, choose another change to add and so on. Eg. eat a minimum of 5servings of fruit and vegetables/day; exercise daily ( or whatever goal you set for yourself.)

    Hope this helps some of you.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Have you seen this info from Kreiger?

    ok, things I'm taking away from this article (feel free to comment/discuss as necessary)

    1) insulin spikes are good for performance as it allows (increases?) blood glucose transfer into cells for use as energy.
    2) insulin affects/leads to/causes (not sure how direct the correlation is) protein synthesis (technically this is the creation of new protein, but what exactly is that... muscle tissue growth? repair existing muscle? etc), which is obviously a good thing
    3) insulin inhibits the breakdown of fat (bad) and increases the creation of fat (bad)
    4) insulin and blood sugar do not have a 1:1 relationship (for lack of a better description)... meaning you can see significant insulin increases without the same significant blood sugar increase. However, blood sugar increases always result in a similar insulin increase.

    The first point explains why simple sugars result in a greater performance boost than do complex carbs, correct? The article talks about insulin response carbs vs protein, but not simple carbs vs complex carbs.

    The second point is what I'm most curious about. Considering whey is highly insulinic (or whatever the word is), is this why whey protein shakes post workout are so popular? Also, wouldn't this point suggest that fasted training would be less effective since insulin levels are lower?

    The third point is clearly where all the insulin panicking comes from. But according to the article, things balance themselves out over the course of the day such that times of high insulin level (lower fat burn) are balanced out by times of low insulin (higher fat burns). So assuming a reasonably healthy diet with reasonably intake, this is largely a non-issue, right?

    Not sure what to make of point 4 yet... still mulling that one over a bit.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    whey is encouraged post workout due to its digestibility. It is quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream where as some other protein supplements are much slower to digest and be absorbed.
    I don't have any links, but I remember reading that thee is a measurable increase in amino acids in the bloodstream within 20 to 30 minutes of consuming a whey drink.

    insulin helps to shuttle those amino's into the cells where they are used to create new hormones, new proteins for new cells, replace damaged proteins within the existing cells, etc.
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    Tagging for follow-up.