Haha I love cookies and cream. But yeah, maybe eating them as a meal isn't a good idea
Okay, thanks so much! I usually don't go by macros, I go by calories and try to go less on carbs and more fat/protein anyway
I've heard that as well, not sure if the net carbs or total carbs should be factored in
Ah I see. Thank you!
Hmm, never heard this before. Would you mind explaining how that works? In that case I may be consuming more cals then I think and sabotaging myself that way.
Thanks to everyone for all your input! I'm not a nutrition guru in the least so I wasn't sure. Thank you.
I love 'em in the microwave!
I got mine from hi-health!
Agreed, the fiber really helps keep me full! That's why I like them. I've tried the occasional other protein bar just to have when I'm at school, but I'm always hungry within an hour. I'll have to look into No Gii bars. Thanks!
Thank you, that's what I originally thought but didn't want to unintentionally be sabotaging weight-loss attempts
Okay, thank you! I know it's not the first listed, but I also wasn't sure if protein blend is something suited more towards someone who regularly exercises. I'm not very knowledgeable about all things nutrition haha
(I know that they're prebiotic fibers, but I'm basically just unsure if a protein bar is a suitable/healthy meal alternative or if I should only be eating them if I'm working out)
Thank you, definitely helped! I've heard it's very hard. Would you mind giving a preview of what a few days of the workout plan is? Do you need weights or other materials?
Thank you, and good luck to you too!
thank you :)
Thank you, looks like there's a consensus! :)
that's a great idea. I should probably stay away from the scale for a few days and just stick to my eating plan. Weighing too often will just drive me crazy and make me obsess. Thanks a bunch
I hadn't read that from you before, but I love it! Thanks so much. That has been my exact problem - letting a bad meal become a bad day, and then a bad two days... exactly what I needed to hear right now. New life motto :) Thanks again!
haha well said!
okay, thank you! hate this time of the month -_-
Okay, I'll try uping my cals. thanks.
Thank you all, you're all right. That's been the biggest thing - finding a maintainable diet plan that is just overall healthy and a new achievable lifestyle in the long run. On the MFP app, if I set the weight loss goal to 2lbs/wk, it's 1200cals/day. Even changing that to 1lb/wk affords me 1350cals/day, so perhaps that…
well I definitely over ate because that was on top of my dinner! late-night snack. and i love nuts but I know the key to those is portion control...thank you though! That's great advice, I definitely need to get back to the gym. I'd gotten so busy and fell out of my routine, that really does make a difference in how you…
Thanks, thinking of it as 700cals/week definitely puts it in perspective. Thank you for the help; I hadn't been thinking of it that way
Thanks so much for the advice. I had been going to the gym regularly, and unfortunately it's been weeks since I've gone. I just need to make time to go and had gotten very busy with school. But when I was going ~4times/week, I would log my activity. You said it perfectly - the key is finding something I can maintain. My…
SLLRunner thank you! I've calculated it based on TDEE, but I remember thinking it seemed like a high calorie number. I'll try that again.
My other quick question is -- will I still lose weight if I'm slightly over the 1,200-calorie limit due to fruits or veggies? I mean over by ~100cals. I sometimes get a bit hungry, but I know it's all about consistently staying in my limit to see results. So I'm worried that constantly having that extra piece of fruit that…
Thank you everyone! I do believe some veggies are 0 points - like lettuce, cucumbers, the really low-cal legal ones - but others count for points. I'm using the old system because I find that I eat way too much fruit without tracking it. I've actually found a couple phone apps that once you purchase them, count on points…
Okay, thanks so much
i've also heard that having a cheat/high calorie day once a week is helpful because it keeps weight loss going and helps metabolism. any thoughts on this?