

  • It all started a long time ago in a ga.. No lets not go there. It was a pong type game originally, followed by an Atari 2600, then got my first computer an Atari 800XL Wrote a couple of reviews for a few startup gaming magazines. Been hooked ever since through all kinds of consoles and computers. It's been amazing to be…
  • Often have them when camping, toasting them over the camp fire they're delish :D
  • Hi Chanellie Sorry to hear about your lupus, i know from my own experience with RA that the meds can play havok with your weight, especially if they're using steroid based meds to calm it down. Healthy eating and gentle exercises can make a big difference, don't go overdoing things though :) Hope it goes well, and that…
  • Fantastic! Well done you look amazing, such a great inspirational post :)
  • I completed the EA Sports Active 2 Cardio Kick Start Program last night, really enjoying SA2 so far! I've downloaded the new low Impact DLC to have a look at and see how suitable it is when my RA is bad. I'll let you know what it's like once I've had a few sessions. The instructions for the resistance band were quite…
  • Welcome Kelly, I've only recently signed up too, and only just ventured into the message board. Welcome and good luck!!
  • Hiya Kelly! Thanks for the welcome, and I'm sure you'll go far and reach your goal. I know what you mean about the weather, while it's nowhere near as cold here in the UK as it was on the run up to Christmas and we've got rid of the snow for now, Jan/Feb is usually the harshest time of the Winter for us, I'm so looking…
    in Hello! Comment by Joanne_C January 2011
  • Hi Everyone, Glad to see some others using Sports Active to help things along I've had my copy for a couple of weeks and I'm really enjoying it, 6lbs lost so far with the programme and calorie counting with the help of this site. If anyone is in the UK and thinking of getting Sports Active 2 . Play. com were selling it for…