Lupus and weight gain

Hey folks. I have SLE lupus and my medications has caused me to gain so much weight!!! I'm on a journey to get to a healthier me... Please help me as I help you stay encouraged on your weight loss goals! :smile:


  • Joanne_C
    Joanne_C Posts: 9
    Hi Chanellie

    Sorry to hear about your lupus, i know from my own experience with RA that the meds can play havok with your weight, especially if they're using steroid based meds to calm it down. Healthy eating and gentle exercises can make a big difference, don't go overdoing things though :)

    Hope it goes well, and that your lupus isn't causing too many problems.
  • Chanellie
    Chanellie Posts: 23
    Thanks love! My symptoms have reduced, I'm just trying to get rid of 25 pounds that I've gained plus more!
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your Lupus. I know a couple of people ( including my doctor) who have lupus and they have put on weight as well.
    I'm here for support if you ever need it. :)
  • Chanellie
    Chanellie Posts: 23
    Thanks so much!