
Just like to say hi,

I'm Jo from the UK,

Lost 6lbs so far with a few changes to my diet and I've also started using EA Sports Active to burn a few extra calories.

Good luck to everyone, I hope you achieve your goals!



  • 10iss
    10iss Posts: 9
    Hello to you too!
    I'm Kelly from Ohio.
    Congrats on your weight loss!
    I'm just starting today....hope to go far.
    I also like EA Sports Active....but sometimes it feels so slow. (I don't like running in place...so I go on the treadmill instead)
    Looking forward to better weather so we can go outside soon.

    Best to you!
  • majikal6
    Welcome to you both!!

  • Joanne_C
    Hiya Kelly!

    Thanks for the welcome, and I'm sure you'll go far and reach your goal. I know what you mean about the weather, while it's nowhere near as cold here in the UK as it was on the run up to Christmas and we've got rid of the snow for now, Jan/Feb is usually the harshest time of the Winter for us,

    I'm so looking forward to getting back into the great outdoors for walks/cycling again once Spring arrives.

    and thank you to Majikal for the welcome too :)
  • 10iss
    10iss Posts: 9
    How are you doing this week?
    I just found your reply....haven't figured out yet where to find everyone and the postings.
    I'm only 4 days in....last night was tough. I went to Bunco and someone brought a cheesecake! 900 calories per slice! No, I did not take one....but did take a sliver. I think about 150 cal. Looking forward to weighing in on Sunday. Although I should probably not ge too excited.
    I hope your week is going well and you are successful!!
  • 10iss
    10iss Posts: 9
    Thanks for the welcome!!
    Good luck on your path as well!