runninghannah Member


  • I would love to be your friend. I have been struggling with being consistant in my diet and exercise. I had a great start to last week, getting all my workouts in and eating only according to plan and logging everything that I ate...then about Thursday things just seemed to fall apart. I have looked locally for people that…
  • I also have 40lbs to lose. I guess that my first goal is ten pounds. I just took a photo of myself today and I plan to do that every week on Tuesday to help to motivate myself to stay focused. I hurt my knee so, I can't jog, but I can walk and do other exercises. So I am going to try to keep that up and exercise every…
  • I'm late for chiming in, sorry. But I have had a rough week. What was I thinking trying to lose 10 pounds and move at the same time! I weigh the same. But the truth is if I do nothing I am likely to just gain. I have been keeping up with my workouts but I have slacked on the calorie counting front.
  • I am excited about being with a group of people. Last night I overate a little on the pasta. It was what we had in the cupboard to cook and I was hungry so I ate it. I really shouldn't have. Tonight I am planning pizza for everyone and a low cal pizza for me.
  • I was trying to lose 20 pounds before my Birthday in October. If I lose 10 in August and 10 in September I'll be there! I hope this works. One thing you can do if you have a hard time getting up and exercising is...exercise before you go to bed.
  • I am 162 and things are changing so slowly! I hope connecting with others will help!
  • Wow! Thanks for the quick replies.
  • You look really great! That is very encouraging.
  • Hello, I'm Hannah. I live in France and I love running the trails around here. I have run a few races a half-marathon and two 15k's. I would love to do a trail marathon this year. But more than running races I just like to run and get that quiet time. For me to be able to run the race is just icing on the cake.