This is why I lift! (pic heavy)



  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    I really wish MFP would allow stickies because I would like such stickies that I can shove into the disbelievers face and tell them "LOOK, LOOK AT THIS!".

    Bravo on the hard work OP :flowerforyou:

    Haha! Women are told their whole lives that they need to be fragile and small. Well fit is the new sexy! And it takes lifting, discipline, and *good nutrition* to get there. What they don't tell you is that once you do it for long enough it becomes your new normal and you crave it. I :heart: a good lift session!
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    Damn girl! What a difference the lifting has made! I just started lifting heavy and I love it, I feel like I'm seeing more results in the last few weeks than I did with months of cardio alone and I love it. If anyone was still on the fence about lifting heavy weights this is a testimonial that should definitely convince them to DO IT! Looking great!!
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    Bravo! you are a true inspiration.
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Wow you look great!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I really wish MFP would allow stickies because I would like such stickies that I can shove into the disbelievers face and tell them "LOOK, LOOK AT THIS!".

    Bravo on the hard work OP :flowerforyou:

    Haha! Women are told their whole lives that they need to be fragile and small. Well fit is the new sexy! And it takes lifting, discipline, and *good nutrition* to get there. What they don't tell you is that once you do it for long enough it becomes your new normal and you crave it. I :heart: a good lift session!

    IF I ever make a new similar thread, I will be adding links to success stories such as these
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the post. The before pictures and eating a little to fueling your body and eating right is amazing. Reason 999 why you should post this for all those people starving themselves. You look great!
  • taku240se
    taku240se Posts: 14
    You are a true badass!
  • AngelChini
    AngelChini Posts: 111 Member
    Wow you look amazing!(:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I love threads like these.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Keep pushing that iron! Great results :)
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Great results!! You look amazing!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    you look great :)
  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    I've been lifting since January and i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Of course it's a love/hate relationship when I'm doing it but the burn feels so good. Noticing definition, others noticing the difference. It's totally worth it. : ) A very wise and former trainer of mine used to say... "When in doubt, SQUAT!"

    She was right! Keep it up!
  • runninghannah
    runninghannah Posts: 10 Member
    You look really great! That is very encouraging.
  • Didgeridoos
    Didgeridoos Posts: 4 Member
    I love and use both of those! I also LOVE my muscles! its so empowering and such a confidence boost building your own body!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    looking great! :) *going to sneak a peek at your diary*
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    wow! you looks so terrific!!

    what an awesome transformation and dedication to get that body!

    congrats to you :)
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Wow!! You look amazing!!
  • laura751
    laura751 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! You look amazing! I'm in the middle of 30 Day Shred but once I finish I want to start lifting. I would love to have a figure like yours. Did you follow a programme of some kind? I don't know where to start!

    Thank you, I feel amazing! And what a nice compliment. I basically do sprints in the morning and then lifting in the evenings. I do supersets, repping to failure, small reps of heavy weights, etc. I literally change it every week but I am sure to hit upper body and lower body equally throughout the week. I also throw in crossfit 2-3 times per week for an entire-body workout.

    Start out with 3 sets of 10 reps on one "half' of the body (like lower body) one day. Savannah from Muffin Top-Less has a great workout regimen and I use a lot of her training in my own workouts.

    I also recommend Jamie Eason's LiveFit trainer. I adopted a lot of the workouts posted for month 1 and have seen great results. I'm on "month 2" (and I use quotations because I modify a lot of this and don't follow it strictly), so it gives you a good starting place for sure. She also provides meal plans, which I follow.

    Thank you for this! Looking forward to doing some research and getting started. I'm following you in IG for inspiration!!
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