I recently got a bikini wax, but not the Brazilian. It was less invasive for my first time professionally getting waxed. I thought the little bit of pain was totally worth it!
Our weight can fluctuate between 2-5 pounds a day. If you had a lot of sodium yesterday, it could be water weight.
I buy fresh fruit each week depending on what looks and sounds good (strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, black/blue/paspberries, apples, mango...) I cut everything up in a large bowl and eat some with breakfast every morning. I also try to remember to add a veggie to dinner each night, even if it is something simple.
This!! I have a Pit right now, and am wary about posts about Pits after Maryland's recent law that Pits are inherently dangerous animals.
Every piece of meat is going to be a different size/weight. Just like there are different sized tomatoes and other veggies. Once you measure and weigh food for a while, you will become familiar with what the serving size looks like. There are times that I will bake one pound of chicken, and I know that 1/4 of that is a…
Finding the numbers are all fine and dandy, but sometimes our bodies do not work the way numbers do. Sometimes we will lose like the numbers say, sometimes our body has to catch up and we will not lose anything, sometimes we hold onto water, sometimes the calories we eat are not good, sometimes we build muscle, and so on.…
What about those with oily skin? In HS I hated make-up and pretty much refused everything, but I always had such oily skin that I would wear a loose powder. Now that I am an adult, I not only like to play with make-up, but I still have oily skin and need to keep it under control. Otherwise, I don't think that I look…
Not exercising at all is different then not exercising when you are tired. If you are tired, you may not pay much attention to movements, and end up hurting your back. That being said, I would maybe check in with a doctor to see what exercises would be best for you.
Both, neither, and in between. =) Everyone has their own idea on eating back exercise calories, and it is just based on what works best for your body.
Turbo Fire is Turbo Jam kicked up a notch or two. I started with TJ, and now I am slowly adding TF workouts into the mix (I do the HIIT workouts)
I always count my calories burned when doing CLX, and eat back a part or all of them. In the burn phase, it was usually over 300 per workout. Calories burned are calories burned, no matter how.
Many years ago, I was at the mall in Overland Park, Kansas and I ran into Paul Pierce and some other KU players.