

  • ^^Perfect advice. And to clear up some confusion, I realize that what the OP is talking about is comments on a recipe, but in addition to that (Oh yes I've seen it) I have seen people on here come and ask a question that is NOT unhealthy or NOT some controversial thing and still get verbally beaten up in answers. It's just…
  • I have't read any of the replies yet (oh I can hardly wait) but I will tell you I did the same. I left for awhile, came back and was horrified at the answers on the message boards. I just cannot get over the rudeness, the judgemental nature of many. (not ALL!) I chose this site because back when I started ( a few years…
  • I've got a Heart Rate Monitor that is like a watch you wear while you are exercising. I love the thing. It's by New Balance and I got it at Target. I can easily test my heart rate whenever I am exercising and it will count the calories I am burning. You can update it periodically (as your heart rates increases or…
  • haha I'm totally odd, and I know it. I do consider myself an insane mommy daily - I have FIVE kids. LOL I think that allows me to be as insane as I want. ;) Feel free to add me! :)
  • I have to agree here. You can ask, and you're going to get all sorts of answers, but truthfully a dietitian will be a better start to get the information you need.
  • Try typing in the fruit and then the word raw for instance, blackberries, raw or strawberries, raw I have found that most of the time, those are the accurate calories. (yes, i'm slightly obsessed with looking on other sites to be sure)
  • The thing that worries me most about the "diet" is that many teenagers are misinformed. They don't know where to go to get good information (I know, I have 5 of them - and if it wasn't for me always talking about nutrition, etc. they don't seem to know where else to get the info). I could see teens thinking that because it…
  • Really? Jimmy John's? I quit eating there a couple of weeks ago when I got a sandwich that was so high in sodium it made me go almost 1000 over for the day. What kind of bread are you getting? What sandwich are you getting? I absolutely LOVE Jimmy John's - so any advice would be great.
  • Usually people use it to "bump" the post back up, but I read recently on here it was a way for them to follow the conversation or come back later. Apparently, once you comment on a thread, that automatically subscribes you to the thread, making it easier to find later if you come back. So it's just a way to bump the post…
  • Yes, it happens to me all the time. I'm never hungry - I'm always full. I eat consistently throughout the day (6 small meals). I'm also choosing healthier foods with more fiber and protein which tend to keep me full. Not to mention, anyone who tells you they ACTUALLY drink 8 cups of water a day, should not be hungry enough…
  • Thanks for posting this :) I need all the info I can get. LOL
  • Yep - 10 days on each level, though you can do as many or as few as you want. A lady I met recently said she started on level 1 on day 1, thought it was kinda easy (don't know what she was taking... I'd like some), then moved to level 2 on day 2 and apparently she did that for a few days, then moved to level 3, all within…
  • If it makes you feel better, I can tell you that I do both (sort-of). Let me explain. For about a week or two, a couple of weeks back, I did my 30 day shred in the morning. (I love it, and I have seen all sorts of results since doing it!) During that week the weather was super nice outside, so as soon as I had a light…
  • I use Smart Balance Peanut Butter. Since nobody else mentioned it, I'm worried... is there something wrong with it? I love how it tastes. I tried the ALL natural organic stuff with peanuts as the only ingredient and had to stir it each time I used it, which didn't bother me but unless I was putting it on fruit, it just…
  • Mmmmm yum!! Great choice!
  • I have actually noticed that there is a discrepancy between MFP's exercise calories burned and an HRM. I don't really understand why they are so much drastically lower. I don't have a personal HRM yet, but when I do, I will be inputting what is on the HRM and NOT the MFP site. I am doing the 30 day shred and I noticed the…
  • I think I suggested this another time Ed, you really SHOULD be a motivational speaker! Way to make someone feel VERY good about themselves. Thanks for the boost this morning and the kind words. You're probably the nicest guy on here. :) No offense to all the other great guys on here, but seriously.... do you see this guy?
  • This looks really good! I will have to try this. I have cut out pasta while I am actively still losing weight but my family LOVES mac and cheese and I like this recipe ... much healthier. And I don't buy boxes LOL So this is awesome.
  • Yes, I absolutely do this. My reasons are different - I like getting ideas for new meals, food and snacks. So I like seeing what everyone else is eating. I have my diary open to my friends. And yes, I'm honest - even on the not good days, which thankfully I haven't had many in the past two weeks, because I had a bad…
  • I absolutely LOVE avocado and sadly would add it to almost anything. haha okay so maybe not everything. But anyway, I add chopped avocado to my salads, I add it to tuna or chicken wraps, obviously I use it for guacamole, but avocado is mild so if you throw it in almost anything, its pretty tasty. I also spread it on toast…
  • Just thought I'd let you know, my mother did this several years ago... she got really sick from it and wound up in the hospital. Your body needs much more than sugar to thrive and survive and if you are trying to be healthy, it is not healthy to starve your body of the things it actually needs. I am not a fan of the…
  • My husband has little time to do much of anything so I thought that he could do the 30 day shred in the morning at least a couple of times a week, while also going to the gym on "off days". He has done it three time, and he likes it. He says he however, does not want anyone to see him doing it. :p Seriously, I feel his…
  • Those actually don't sound so bad now that I know you're supposed to do several of them at a time. That makes much more sense. I thought 10 minutes seemed a bit to minuscule. I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred and I LOVE it... its about 20-25 minutes, but if you do it everyday, you'll see results pretty quick. I had my…
  • There are a lot of things that make me feel sick if I try to eat them now. Cake is one of them. We got a cake for super bowl sunday and I had a small piece and I was ill. A lot of different foods I seem to be more sensitive to. I've eaten a generally raw diet for the most part for about 2 months or so, not entirely, but…
  • Ed, you should really be a motivational speaker. You really know how to make someone feel good and smile! Thank you! :)
  • Happy this was posted. Getting really tired of hearing about "starvation mode" and not too thrilled that the site promotes that way of thinking. Perhaps there could be an area on the site for weight loss articles and this could be posted.
  • I used to drink a pot of coffee a day (I'm a writer, what do you expect?) About 2 months ago, I gave up the pot and gradually in 2 weeks weaned myself down to 2-4 smaller coffee cups a day. I cannot give it up, nor do I plan to - but when I read that in a magazine a couple of weeks ago, I was so happy that at least THAT…
  • I completely understand where you are coming from. I was getting REALLY sick of the same old foods, so I started looking EVERYWHERE for 100 calorie or less snacks. I have a nice list, but my very favorites right now are: They were…
  • Just wanted to say that I made these this afternoon and omg, thank you so much! they are so delish, and my son who really doesn't care for chocolate OR bananas, adored them (don't ask, I don't get it either). Thank you for a low cal snack/treat while we are dieting! :) (and also a BUMP so new peeps can find this post)
  • Yup, I just eat the real stuff if I'm going to have it. I usually buy mine from a meat market though and not just prepackaged. :)