

  • I follow and Atkin's approach, which is low carb but not considered a "high" protein diet. I would encourage everyone to read about Atkins before you try it and find the exact guidelines. I eat meat & poultry, veggies,beans and fruit and dairy. My carbs come from healthier places than bread & pasta. I just started back on…
  • I have gone from a drink a night (or more) to a couple days a week or none at all. I cut it out not only for weightloss but it is also such a waste of money. you body processes it differently too, it goes straight to the liver. I find I lose more weight when I cut way down or completely out. you can lose weight while…
  • thanks everyone! great advise & tips..... I think I will really enjoy it, and I didnt even think about planning everything the night before...duh! it just seems like a great way to start the day
  • I am starting next Monday 12/30 in hopes to be rocking it out by my birthday in March. let me know! we can keep tabs on each other..... I have heard nothing but good things about the program
  • to each there own. I for one cut out all sugar except fruit. which includes liqour or beer. I do this because if I dont thats what I crave and it effects me with shaking & stomach aches. you need to choose what works for you but I dont want any of that processed junk. I feel much better when I dont eat sugar. It is about…
  • I too struggle with bipolar II. I wasnt diagnoised properly until I was 25. Before that I self medicated and just did all kinds of damage to my poor body. Since I was diagnoised and put on the proper medication things have gotten easier. I topped out weight wise in 2009 at 179 (I am 5'4) and now 4 years later I am at 155.…
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