morning work out advise

hello everyone! I am determained to start working out in the mornings before work. I have always struggled with this because I am a night person. The problem is too much can happen in the afternoon/evening time that takes me away from it, and I dont want working out to go on the back burner. does anyone have any tips for the best way to adjust to an hour & half earlier start time?


  • WorkB1tch
    WorkB1tch Posts: 17
    Coffee, coffee and more coffee.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but just get in the routine, before you know your body will be getting itself up because it wants to be at the gym. i started the same as you, dragging myself there each day, now I'm up naturally at five, eating breakfast and out the door by 530! Good luck!!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I try to get in bed earlier on the days I get up at 5:30 to get to my 6am crossfit class. I also only do it 3 days a week. I can SURVIVE 3 days a week. That is what I tell myself. I also do them back to back (wed/thurs/friday). The rest of the week I work out in the evening.

    First alarm goes off at 5.... to tell me... YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED in 30MINS. And if I am REALY REALLY tired the night before... I sometimes sleep in part of my workout clothes. So I just have to throw my hair in a pony tail, tie on some shoes and GO!

    Lastly... I have a SPARK drink by advocare every morning when I get up. It isnt a crazy amount of caffeine and it kind of a slow long lasting burn... SO I mix it before bed.. and drink on the drive to the gym.

    I got a routine and for me that is the only way to make it work!!!!

    Good luck! YOu can do it.
  • Coreeann86
    Coreeann86 Posts: 1 Member
    I have to set three alarms, keep my phone on the opposite side of the room (so i have to physically get up to turn the alarms off) and have my "work out' clothes ready. After a while it just feels like a normal routine and can free up so much time in the evenings, especially if you have children wanting your attention like i do :)

    Good luck!
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    I get up at 4:15 am to work out before work. Planing is the key to success. I make my lunches/breakfasts and daughters lunches the night before and try to do as much food prep as I can on the weekends. I lay out my clothes the night before/pack my gym bag, have the coffee pot preprogrammed. That way when I wake up I throw on my clothes and go. I eat a zone bar on the way and drink 1/2 my coffee. Oh and getting to bed on time is critcal!
    I have to plan like crazy and going to the gym is planned in my schedule.
    Good luck, at first I wasn't crazy but now I really enjoy going early am.
  • thanks everyone! great advise & tips..... I think I will really enjoy it, and I didnt even think about planning everything the night before...duh! it just seems like a great way to start the day
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Go to bed earlier. Drag you butt out of bed as much as you don't want to. Have a coffee.

    Once you get into the habit, it's not a big deal anymore.