runnergirl0419 Member


  • Don't put the scale away! You need to hold yourself accountable. You have to realize weight can fluctuate up to four or five pounds during the day. Do not step away from the scale because although at times the scale may be upsetting, it is also like that friend who tells the truth no matter what!
  • I get such bad PMS that i gain around 4 pounds on my period. It always ALWAYS comes off within 3 or 4 days of starting my period, and if I am good about eating during those days I will often lose more afterwards.
  • I am prone to these "guilty" feelings as well! If you overeat though, you need to remember it did not take you one healthy meal or one day to lose the weight. Gaining and losing weight is a long gradual process. One bad meal will not be substantial in a week! Just remember to be consistent for the most part.
  • I was originally on Zoloft for depression and it worsened everything ten-fold. Became extremely extremely depressed and gained 5 or 6 pounds in just 8 weeks. I am already a small person so the 5 or 6 pounds looked and felt absolutely terrible. Went to my doctor and she prescribed Wellbutrin. After being on the Wellbutrin I…
  • I am 5'4'' and 120 pounds! I can't seem to get under the 120 mark. I run or exercise everyday and try to stay clear of carbs. How many calories do us short girls REALLY need to consume to get past that plateau? I have been stuck at 120 for about 10 days.
  • Depends how your depression affects you, but mine simply made me feel so low and not able to get out of bed. I started on Zoloft and gained weight immediately which in turn made me feel worse. Went back to the doctor and she put me on Wellbutrin which has made an unbelievable difference. My mood is ten times better…
  • Hello! Question-- I drink a LOT of water on a daily basis. As in, probably around 12-16 glasses of water a day. I do not do this consciously I just am always thirsty. Is this inhibiting weight loss?
  • I am a collegiate cross country runner who runs 7-10 miles daily and I cannot lose the last 5 pounds! The issue is not the running. Weight loss is 70%+ nutrition and 30% maximum exercise. On a 3 mile run you burn maybe a maximum of 300 calories. 300 calories = a muffin. Many people overestimate the amount of calories they…
  • For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond…
  • I am a firm believer in weighing yourself everyday no matter what-- avoiding the scale becomes too easy. Out of sight out of mind, right? Hold yourself accountable.
  • Take it from a college student-- alcohol is not good. I am already a tiny person, 5'4 and very thin-- run 7-10 miles everyday. My freshman year I gained TEN pounds. Sophomore year I have greatly reduced alcohol intake to about once a month, and I have LOST a significant amount of weight without even trying. I eat candy/ice…
  • Muscle metabolizes calories faster than fat does-- so although you may not be losing weight right now, by gaining the muscle it will help you in the long run. Although, if you want to lose weight just eat fiber-rich foods and load up on the water. Carry a water bottle on you and focus on hydrating whenever you get hungry.…
  • You can do it-- you do not have to conquer Mt. Everest everyday. Success is progress in any way.. if you can make it through the day replacing sodas, juices, alcohol with water, that's success! Do not set a huge weight loss goal-- literally take it one pound at a time. One pound isn't just "one pound".. think about each…
  • The one thing that always snaps me back into reality is realizing that by feeling sorry for myself, I will never make progress. Do not let your weight control your life--- just control your weight! Weight loss does not have to be eating vegetables and fruits all day long; I lose the most weight when I allow myself to have…
  • The best thing to do would be to drink a glass of water, lay back down, and if you are still hungry eat something low-carb and fiber rich. You do not want to feel like you are starving when trying to sleep because that never works, but you also want to identify if it is hunger or thirst.
  • Please do not use the laxatives... I have had a laxative issue for 5 years and it has not done me any good. As for the "one pound" you put on, it is definitely a mixture of water retention and/or sodium retention because you have not been fueling your body with anything else. The best thing to do would be to continue to…