Peanut Butter Addiction



  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    one time the peanut butter fell out of the fridge and hit me on the head. that hurt me
    I had a huge jar fall off the shelf and land right on my toe. Lost the toe nail. That hurt me. :(
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Peanut butter is one of my trigger foods, added to apples or bananas. When I do have it, it's difficult to stop with 2 Tablespoons. I don't have that problem with the PB2. I also added a small amount of crunchy PB to the PB2 for a change of pace.
    The PB2 also comes with premium chocolate, if you want to try it before purchasing a large jar, some Green Markets sell the sample package for about $1.00. If you are wanting to avoid the sugars not much will be gained by switching to PB2, however there are other benefits.
    Jif Reduced Fat PB: C=190, Fat=12,Sodium=220, Carb=15, Fiber=2,Sugar=4, Protein=7
    PB2: C=45, Fat=1,Sodium=70, Carb=6, Fiber=1,Sugar=3, Protein=4

    To the gentleman that stated 'Willpower" is the answer, implying (to my way of thinking) those who struggle don't have willpower, I would like to point out the following...

    Willpower is what we have in abundance, otherwise we would not continue trying to lose weight and return to a healthy weight.
    "Won't Power" is what is needed... I Won't have (fill in the blank _____________) over a healthy amount today.

    "Won't Power" sounds like negative thinking to me. Your will is your desire and willingness. It's your brain overcoming your feelings and emotions to do what you know you need to do. I like to think in positive terms.
  • runnergirl0419
    runnergirl0419 Posts: 17 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.
  • erica5520
    erica5520 Posts: 16 Member
    My sons love it - they are athletic growing boys and I mean they LOVE peanut butter. I can’t stop buying it because I have a weight problem and they don’t.

    So I guess it’s all about portion control and willpower.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    Fats are essential for hormone control health and they're hella tasty.

    There is nothing wrong with peanut butter OR ice cream.
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    I have been supplementing with PB2. My hubby just sent me this article this morning ( so I guess Im back to moderation with the Adam's PB.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member

    I eat this by the spoonful. I just make sure and log it all.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    So I guess the peanut butter ice cream I have in the freezer is really bad, how will I survive
  • erica5520
    erica5520 Posts: 16 Member
    "In retaliation, I'm having me some regular Peanut Butter for breakfast. Maybe lather myself up in it O.O"

  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    Well, I guess those 3 tbsp of peanut butter I eat almost daily is going to be the end of me. Also, what if you're trying to up your fat to meet macros? Fat isn't the enemy, no matter how much the 90s wants us to believe.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    So I guess the peanut butter ice cream I have in the freezer is really bad, how will I survive

    You won't. Write you will now and leave it all to me.

    When this kills me I leave all remaining Peanut butter Gelato to MrM27

  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I only got through the first couple pages of this thread, but I saw many people mention PB2... YES!! I cant stress it enough-
    PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 !!

    Its my favorite snack! I have it everyday... I was just like you-- insanely in love with peanut butter, but I could never have it as nearly as much as I wanted! THEN- PB2 came into my life.... 45 calories for 2 tablespoons!!!!!!!!!! Its a miracle!
    HIGHLY recommend it!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    Strong knowledge of nutrition.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Will power is easier for males. I took an eating disorder class from penn state and learned that males have a different approach to dieting than females. To men food is just food whereas to females there is a more emotional relationship. We r more likely to eat due to feelings. For the most part. Some men feel this way too and some women don't but in general this is the way it seems to be. It's ions of the many reasons women have a harder time losing weight than men,

    no. no, and no.

    i am not in a relationship with my food. can you please give Penn state my number. they need more women to study.

    brb I gotta go yell at my cookies to take out the trash and whine to my lemonade why it doesn't send me flowers anymore. ridic.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    You know how a dog when you give it a big spoon of peanut butter it is stuck licking it for days? HOW are you all getting past this hurdle? I really wanna know. Because I cannot eat loads of peanut butter in quantities even close to being called an addiction. I call B.S.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Will power is easier for males. I took an eating disorder class from penn state and learned that males have a different approach to dieting than females. To men food is just food whereas to females there is a more emotional relationship. We r more likely to eat due to feelings. For the most part. Some men feel this way too and some women don't but in general this is the way it seems to be. It's ions of the many reasons women have a harder time losing weight than men,

    no. no, and no.

    i am not in a relationship with my food. can you please give Penn state my number. they need more women to study.

    brb I gotta go yell at my cookies to take out the trash and whine to my lemonade why it doesn't send me flowers anymore. ridic.

    Record that conversation and post it please. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Quit making me drool on my keyboard! :angry:
  • rainbowxelephant
    rainbowxelephant Posts: 71 Member
    For me, when I consume peanut butter I cannot stop after 2 tbsp. Peanut butter is really only a positive addition to your diet if you max at 2 tbsp. If not, it is just as bad as consuming ice cream because of the fat content. If you are going to indulge in more than a serving size, opt for a healthier spread such as almond butter. Almonds are an overall better nut than peanuts, so you can maximize the benefits with the same effect.

    So 3 tbls or ice cream are no good for us? Hopefully you take some time to learn a little more about nutrition as your journey continues instead of making statements like the one above.


    Days without peanut butter are wasted days.
    There's a difference between healthy fat and transfat guys. And a HUGE difference between natural and sweetened pbs. And since we're all ignoring this

    About to go read that myself. Just don't want it getting lost in the crazy mix
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I only got through the first couple pages of this thread, but I saw many people mention PB2... YES!! I cant stress it enough-
    PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 PB2 !!

    Its my favorite snack! I have it everyday... I was just like you-- insanely in love with peanut butter, but I could never have it as nearly as much as I wanted! THEN- PB2 came into my life.... 45 calories for 2 tablespoons!!!!!!!!!! Its a miracle!
    HIGHLY recommend it!
    I think you've been hypnotized to think that's actually good stuff.

    1, 2, 3 snap out of the trance.

    You don't like it?!! I love it and do think it IS good!
    For someone whose mom bought "diet" foods throughout my whole life, I've grown accustomed to having the "lesser-tasting-version" of something.
    Sure, PB2 isn't AS GOOD as regular Peanut Butter, but for the calories, I think it is a wonderful alternative and recommend it to anyone who loves peanut butter as much as I do- it helps get my fix! :)

    Sorry you can't find the pleasure in it like I do! :wink: :happy:
  • fasy1
    fasy1 Posts: 52 Member
    So far, I've had 1 tablespoon and a half of PB today, but I know I will probably have 2 more and cap it at that ! Yesterday was a bad day :(