Mwood8 Member


  • I have to have a diet coke occasionally. It is my one vice, I've never really liked regular sodas, but I have a diet coke once a day, or every other day. I know water would be better for my body, but I'm pretty sure something in occasion won't kill me...and in the end, something is going to kill us eventually anyways :) My…
  • I usually eat back around half of them, just because I don't have a HRM, and I'm positive that the calories burned calculator on this site isn't 100% accurate. You need a good amount of calories for your body to function properly. If you're only eating 1200 calories and doing NO exercise, that's fine, your body can run on…
  • I've not looked at your diary, but what type of foods are you eating? Theoretically, you could eat a couple big macs and fries (I'm not saying that you do) or other unhealthy foods you could only net 1400 cals and not lose weight. Watch your diet strictly, exercise more or put more intensity into your workouts and you…
    in need help! Comment by Mwood8 April 2012
  • [/quote] I have news for the "grams haters". We Americans are slowly converting over to metric. Been to the doctor lately? They weigh in kg now. Notice our food labels? Most of them are in grams now. I remember when I was in high school, it was a big crisis, they were preparing to convert then and we had to study the…
  • You are a smelly pirate hooker
  • I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch.
  • 60% of the time, it works every time
  • When people state things like it's a fact and they are BLATANTLY wrong. Also, the stupid yoyo diets. "Here, let me lose 8 pounds in 2 days by ONLY eating cabbage soup, lemonade, cranberry juice, etc. then wonder why I feel like crap, then ***** about why it isn't working in a forum"
  • If you're continuously getting headaches, I'd say go talk to a doctor, and maybe get some labs done. It could very well be a vitamin deficiency. Even if you are taking a multivitamin, if you're eating fewer calories and exercising vigorously, you could be losing important vitamins. I know a lack of B vitamins can cause…
    in HEADaches! Comment by Mwood8 March 2012
  • Is this someone who you would regret NOT meeting up with? If it is, I'd say go! However, if it's just a hookup, there's got to be someone else closer. You only live once, have no regrets!
  • Hey, we're close! Age 25 Height 5'6'' SW: 281 CW: 272 GW: 150
  • Ummmm is it too late to join?? I'd love to do a challenge!! SW-281 CW-275 GW-200 obviously I won't reach my goal weight by Aug, but I could set a goal of losing 30 by August.