


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    thanks everyone! trying to find that magic number of calories these last 87 days has been hard to keep a steady weight loss.

    It took me months to get my "magic number" figured out and even then, I sometimes need to adjust. Don't sweat it! You're doing great.

    how did you find it!? just experimenting?? i've done higher, lower, now cycling. lol

    You just gotta listen to your body. Try something for 2-3 weeks, see how you feel. Go from there. When I started, I did low carb, but I had serious problems with that. I was cranky, couldn't get through my workouts, exhausted, just blech. Started eating carbs back and gained 6 lbs but felt better. Had to figure out how to get that off. It's an ongoing struggle.

    I've also fallen off the wagon entirely twice, but I've been back on it for a while now and lower than I've been in 8 years.

    This is a long term thing, so don't feel bad if you have to experiment to find out what is working for you. That's perfectly normal.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Are you cycling just cals or macros as well, i get headaches the 1st few days of my high protein/low carb week.

    On a side note my pill made my migraines a lot better.
  • i have Mirena and my 5 yrs is up in April so no its not from that.
    it might be just cause i changed my calories again.....i had oatmeal before my workout (just added some PB2 to it) i normally have a banana for breakfast or oatmeal or egg.

    it's just frustrating find that magic number i see all my friends losing EVERY week and i go sometimes 2 weeks...at least i'm toning.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Just to throw some more suggestions in, (1) Have you increased the amount of cheese you eat? The reason I ask is my sister would get headaches when she ate it. (2) It's also possible you have an electrolyte imbalance, try a natural coconut water (no sugar added) like GRACE & see your Doctor. (3) low blood sugar can also cause this, so would suggest the Dr. checks your blood sugar & electrolytes if it continues.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    i have Mirena and my 5 yrs is up in April so no its not from that.
    it might be just cause i changed my calories again.....i had oatmeal before my workout (just added some PB2 to it) i normally have a banana for breakfast or oatmeal or egg.

    it's just frustrating find that magic number i see all my friends losing EVERY week and i go sometimes 2 weeks...at least i'm toning.

    Weight loss is never linear. You'll have weeks where you gain, where you lose a bunch, where you stall out. It's the long term trend that matters more than anything else.
  • Mwood8
    Mwood8 Posts: 19 Member
    If you're continuously getting headaches, I'd say go talk to a doctor, and maybe get some labs done. It could very well be a vitamin deficiency. Even if you are taking a multivitamin, if you're eating fewer calories and exercising vigorously, you could be losing important vitamins. I know a lack of B vitamins can cause headaches, I'm sure there are others in there too. Just a suggestion, hope you start feeling better!
  • thanks everyone! i have stopped taking my B vitamins...i should do that again...i was taking B complex, B12 and and Fish Oil..but haven't in over a week!! thanks for the reminder!