What Kind of things PISS you off on MFP?



  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    I get annoyed when big, fat guys use shirtless pictures of themselves for their profile pictures....It's not motivation, put a shirt on.

    Disclaimer: I can say this because I am/was as big as anyone and I always had the common courtesy to remain fully clothed. :bigsmile:

  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Agreed. I often wonder if "ladies" and "gentlemen" even exist any more. Referencing using the "f" word. I don't think either sex should use it, just for the record.

  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Nothing pisses me off as such but every time I see someone log something as exercise BLATANTLY just because they want to eat more or already have eaten more that day makes me cringe - you are only cheating yourselves people!
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    This does not piss me off but it makes me sad... diet elitism. Ie. I know better than you because I did it my way and it had to work for you so you are wrong mentality. Drives me nuts. lol.
  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    People who aren't supportive. Even people who are "right" but just keep reminding people of it. Give your constructive advice or opinion (helpful to differentiate the two if possible) and don't let the little stuff bother you.

    Let people know up front if you are trying to be humorous (no, some people won't get it and/or appreciate it).

    I think MFP is great and chuckle at some of the debates/wars that start over trivial things and misunderstandings. I don't have the time or inclination to indulge in these :tongue:

    Anyway, MFP is great because most people here are helpful and thoughtful. Thanks to all my MFP friends!!!!

  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    This thread is 14 pages full of whiny little b!tches. :P

    Do you hear that? It's the world tiniest violin playing the world's saddest song just for all of you....
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Maybe it's already been said, but I can't stand people who are thin and fit who join the site and then talk about how much weight they have to lose. Then you see their ticker and it's 5 lbs. Yes, it's good to have goals. Please, let's be realistic about your body-dismorphic disorder and/or your need to feel better about yourself. Do you find you surround yourself with ugly friends too?

    I can't stand people who brag about all the junk food they are eating. "OMGGG I simpley HATE to eat at this Chinese buffet." "McDonald's Bistro sandwich is tasty." "I went over my calories - again! Why do I do this to myself?" "Why haven't I lost any weight?" I know it's their eating disorder, not mine, but I still don't want them on my friends list. It just makes me wat Chinese buffet.

    People who log-cheat. I know I can't possibly know what they are eating, but these people are pretty obvious. Yes, you can eat an egg without frying it in pam/whatever, and some people do eat dry toast. But these people will only ever log the main foods they eat, and none of the condiments or anything else that went into making it tasty. It all counts! Especially if they are hovering around their max calories, then wonder why they aren't losing. Maybe start logging the hundreds of calories that go into ketchup and butter/oil, and you will find things are more accurate. I also unfriend these people.

    1200 calorie eaters. I have some MFP friends that honestly eat 1200 calories. They are petite and have met their weight loss goals. I'm talking about the people who are uninformed and are starving themselves. I don't ever want to say anything, because they will either learn or not. But I have to say that these people don't so much make me pissed off as they make me a little sad. Also, a little vouyeristic as I browse their diaries and wonder how they have eny energy to get out of bed in the morning.

  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Woman complaining about how they ate a chip or a fry." OmG I feel sooo guilty wah wah wah." Then all her friends sitting there and encouraging that crap..."its ok tomorrow is another day". For real? Seriously? Ur not gonna get big over a chip or a fry! Itll be alright people and if thats the case stop going through the chip isle or the places that sell fries. Problem solved!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    People who are thin who are acting like their sooooo fat!!! They're either conceited or are suffering from a distorted body image syndrome!! Don't talk to me about fat unless you actually HAVE an elevated BMI.

    Some people who have photo's of up themselves thin as their avatars are either from back when they were and using it as motivation, or they are working on getting fit, some people who are thin do really see themselves as fat. I know myself I was 250lbs and when I was that big I didn't think I was fat till I stepped on the scale, I didn't see it in the mirror, now that I'm 138lbs I look in the mirror most the time and still see that 250lb girl. My mind just hasn't caught up to my weight loss, doesn't mean I have an eating disorder.
  • I guess what pisses me off sometimes is that when people lose so much weight, and are at their goal, they act like gods towards those who aren't at their goal yet... Really annoys me. x.x
  • People who log "cleaning" or "doing hair" as exercise! BS! No, you did not burn 1800 calories get real. People are really cheating themselves. It's called BMR!

    I saw someone list driving once...
  • tristy3
    tristy3 Posts: 1
    This is true but it is way more of the unhealthy food that doesnt keep you satisfied. When you start eating healthy food that fills you up quicker and last longer than sometimes it is hard to eat that many calories. I learned this from weight watchers...they dont go by calories but if you are aloud 30 points for the day and go to kfc for a 4 piece meal, that 4 piece meal equals 32 points. Now you still have to eat 2 other meals for the day. This part of weight watchers really opened my eyes to how unhealthy some choices are.

    Sorry this post is in response to the girl that mentioned people complaining about not being able to eat 1200 calories..not sure how to attach to that one since I am new and this is my first time postint.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    threads like this-there's already enough negativity here to continue focusing on it-move on!
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    The food database where there are a gazillion of the same item, and they're all way off in stats from one another.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    One thing that does piss me off, is when I see a thread telling everyone to quit doing something because it worked for them. Not everyone is built the same, just because you can eat back your workout calories and lose weight, does not mean it works for me. No I don't eat them back and 112lbs later I think I know what works for my body. My doctor, body builder friends, and a few other people told me not to eat them back. I have tried to eat them back and yet it doesn't work, by time my weigh in day get's here I've gone up, so I refuse to eat them back. It's one thing to explain how such and such works for someone but it's another story when you are trying to tell everyone to quit what they are doing and do their way. Sorry I won't, I change my stuff up here and there and tweak my calories here and there when need to, but I will do what I think is best for me. I don't starve myself, I eat fairly healthy, for the most part. I have my moments of unhealthy but I refuse to totally deprive myself. You'll never see a day full of junk but you might see some chocolate in my diary now and then...
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    14 page threads where everyone is posting, but no one is reading.

    Sorry if someone already said that; I don't have time to read the whole thread. ;)

    Seriously, I don't get pissed, but it would be nice if there were fewer threads from people who joined two weeks earlier wondering why they haven't lost weight yet and pushing all the more interesting questions off the first page.

    Maybe those repetitive questions need their own sub-forums.
  • Mwood8
    Mwood8 Posts: 19 Member

    I have news for the "grams haters". We Americans are slowly converting over to metric. Been to the doctor lately? They weigh in kg now. Notice our food labels? Most of them are in grams now. I remember when I was in high school, it was a big crisis, they were preparing to convert then and we had to study the metric system. Okay, now it's 45 years later and we are finally starting. Yeah, we're so advanced, eh? Quit dissing other countries...we are not better than everyone else; we are slowly descending to the bottom because of our spoiled, greedy ways. In case you haven't noticed almost everyone in every foreign country hates Americans because we use them for gain then screw 'em over. It embarrasses me.

    I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in EVERY foreign country hates Americans... way to generalize... :wink:
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    nobody has mentioned "lose" vs. "loose"? im leaving disappointed.

    Yes...me two,er to...too!
  • It doesn't piss me off, but it confuses me when I have amazing days of food logging, no one comments, then I have a bad day where my meals were small/bad and I get "great job!" really people? Then I look at their logs and they eat terribly :(

    I've had that too...I post a great day and no one says anything. And then the next person posts a great day and has 30 comments. I feel ignored. :-( But I guess I'm OK. I'm here for more than that anyway, right?
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    people who start irrelevant threads