mumnpets Member


  • Hi Dena, Happy New Year. So sorry you had to give up your job but i know how you feel,i've had to cut my hours from a full week to just a few hrs. Im lucky i can do this as i work for my sister.I hope 2014 will be a better year for your pain it can be very frustrating when it goes through a bad patch especially when it…
    in Group Comment by mumnpets January 2014
  • Hi everyone, my list of medications for fibro are: For Pain:sad: :Co-codamol which only helps a little and Gabapentin wich also helps neither take the pain away completely. I did take Tramadol in the past and it was very good for the pain but i was very alergic to it and had to stop taking it. For sleep:yawn:…
  • Hi necee99, i have had fibro for over 20 years and know how debilitating it can be.Everyone with fibro suffers in different ways and has to find an individual way of dealing with it. I find that if i dont do any exercise i stiffen up and have more pain but if i do to much i suffer more pain,it is so difficult to find the…
  • Hi everyone, Bookchick I’m glad you mentioned about the skin pain i struggle with that too,its very painful to have a crease in the sheets in bed or when your pj's bunch up and mine do that regular as i toss and turn most nights. I too don’t see my doc about fibro very often go to the hospital pain clinic every 8 months…
    in Group Comment by mumnpets April 2013
  • feel free to add me.
  • Hi pidnit, So sorry you’re having a tough time, living with Fibro throws up lots of challenges. Don’t be too hard on yourself take one day at a time and only do what you can when you can, sometimes when symptoms are bad just moving around at home can be exhausting never mind exercise. I find walking is best for me and even…
  • Hello, im 48 love cycling and also have two budgies along with a cockatiel 2 rabbits and 5 gerbils. I love chocolate but my favourite drink is dry cider. Sent you a friend request.
  • Hi cameronburns1, My husband and i had the same problem with cycling being uncomfortable so we both got gel saddles, he found the wider saddles better.
  • hi jaimierayner, Winter seems to cause us with fibro lots of trouble giving more pain and frustration.The pain and tiredness can make it very difficult to exercise,over the years i have found that walking has been the best form of exercise for me as a can do just 10 mins on a bad day or more on a good day. I too take a…
    in Group Comment by mumnpets March 2013
  • Hi LizPlus, yes the winter weather always makes my fibro worse and also getting older i find i cant do as much as i used to. Hi shreck5, I'm with you on the not planning anything, i never promise to do anything as i never know from day to day how im going to be. :flowerforyou:
    in Group Comment by mumnpets March 2013
  • Hi everyone, I’m doing ok with the healthy eating and have been on MFP for 25 days. I usually manage to stick to a healthy eating plan for about a month then life throws something at me and i falter and give up, but this time with everyone’s support i hope to break this habit. I have had Fibro for 28 years and during that…
    in Group Comment by mumnpets March 2013
  • Hi LizPlus, My daughter who has ME has had tests for low blood you it would drop when she stood up or sometimes even when she was walking around the supermarket,it would cause her to faint(she did this once while walking to the kitchen with a glass in her hand resulting in cuts all up her arm)she would also…
    in Pain Comment by mumnpets March 2013
  • Hi i saw your post and would be glad to be your friend. im from Derbyshire ,i find the winter difficult due to having fibromyalgia .