NiigataA Member


  • I've always found this helpful in the past! I'm focusing on movement. Getting out for more walks, incorporating weight training, etc. This time of year last year is where I really started spiralling and had a super tough winter so I want to be proactive this year and stay on top of eating well and being active as I know…
  • February Start Weight: 137.6 February Goal Weight: 135.5 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 February 1:137.6 February 8: 136.4 February 15: February 22: February 28: Cumulative February loss: -1.2 This month will be interesting since the weigh in day is Monday! I usually weigh in on Fridays and I often find that I'm the worst about…
  • February Start Weight: 137.6 February Goal Weight: 135.5 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 February 1: February 8: February 15: February 22: February 28:
  • January Start Weight: 139.8 January Goal Weight: 138 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Jan 18:139.8lbs Jan 22: 138.6 (-1.2lbs!) Jan 29: 136.8 (-1.8lbs!) Jan 31:137.6 (+0.8lbs) Total for January: -2.2lbs Very content with that, having just started halfway through the month. I suspected my weigh in on Friday was a bit low for my…
  • January Start Weight: 139.8 January Goal Weight: 138 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Jan 18:139.8lbs Jan 22: 138.6 (-1.2lbs!) Jan 29: 136.8 (-1.8lbs!) Jan 31: Total for January: Okay wow! I don't think today's weigh in is my average weigh in over the last few days but I'll weigh in on Sunday and see how it looks. Either way,…
  • January Start Weight: 139.8 January Goal Weight: 138 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Jan 18:139.8lbs Jan 22: 138.6 (-1.2lbs!) Jan 29: Jan 31: I'm happy to be back into it! I knew it was my snacking that was adding up throughout the fall/early winter so logging is keeping me honest. I am a definite evening grazer so I'm doing my…
  • I've gained some weight back since going back to school in the fall and I'm feeling ready to be a little more aware of what I'm eating again. Hopeful that gyms will open back up in a week or two here and I can start working out there. We're headed for a cold snap soon! January Start Weight: 139.8 January Goal Weight: 138…
  • March start Weight: 138.6 March Goal Weight: 135 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Mar 1 : Didn't weigh in Mar 8: 138.6 Mar 13:136.8 Mar 20: 136.2 Mar 27: 135.8 Mar 31: Total loss: - 2.8 I’m doing a lot of baking during this isolation. So tasty and hard to say no to, haha.
  • March 1 starting weight: 138.6 8: 138.6 13: 136.8 20: 136.2 27: April 3: 10: 17: 24: May 1 final weigh in: Life is crazy right now. It’s hard not to snack my day away!
  • March start Weight: 138.6 March Goal Weight: 135 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Mar 1 : Didn't weigh in Mar 8: 138.6 Mar 13:136.8 Mar 20: 136.2 Mar 27: Mar 31: Total loss: - 2.4 What a crazy week. I really want a bunch of candy and junk food but I know I’ll be mad later. It’s stressful times though and there is a lot of…
  • Felling good! You're getting pretty close too! What's your celebration this week?
  • March 1 starting weight: 138.6 8: 138.6 13: 136.8 20: 27: April 3: 10: 17: 24: May 1 final weigh in: I'm changing my weigh in days to Friday. That usually works best for me. I had a really good week of getting back to it. My run yesterday felt great and I'm feeling motivated! Today is drinks for St. Patrick's day so next…
  • Fridays work better as weigh in days for me. It was an awesome week getting back into all of this. I'm getting started with my run training slowly and my run today felt great. Overall feeling really good. I'm working on breaking my sugar addiction (such a candy lover!) by letting myself enjoy a lot of fruit. Loving it!…
  • March 1 starting weight: 138.6 8: 138.6 15: 22: 29: April 5: 12: 19: 26: May 1 final weigh in: I’m jumping in late! I love the encouragement and accountability that these challenges give me. I’ve steadily been gaining over the winter and it’s time to get back to being healthy and happy. I have a serious sweets addiction…
  • March start Weight: 138.6 March Goal Weight: 135 Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 Mar 1 : Didn't weigh in Mar 8: 138.6 Mar 15: Mar 22: Mar 29: Mar 31:
  • Original starting weight - October starting weight - 135.6 October goal - 132 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - 135.6 7th- 136 14th - 21st - 28th - Total loss for October - I’m not surprised. I went out and had nachos and wings last night and they were delicious and salty haha. Back to it!
  • SW - 140.0 GW - 128.0 Aug. 26 - 140.0 Sept. 2 - Had no access to a scale Sept. 7 - 137.4 Sept. 13 - 137.6 Sept. 20 - 137.6 Sept. 27 - 136.6 Sept. 30 - 135.6 Total lost - -4.4 lbs Oct. 4 - Oct. 11 - Oct. 18 - Oct. 25 - Oct. 31- Total lost - Nov. 1 - Nov. 8 - Nov. 11 - Grand total lost - Happy October everyone! I hope…
  • Original starting weight - October starting weight - 135.6 October goal - 132 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - 135.6 7th- 14th - 21st - 28th - Total loss for October - Let’s do this! I think I’ve found a balance I’m reasonably happy with at the moment. I still enjoy a meal or two out but behave for the rest of the week. It seems…
  • Original starting weight - 146.8 September starting weight - 140 September goal - 135 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - No access to scale 7th- 137.4 13th- 137.6 21st - 137.6 27th - 136.6 30th - Total loss for September - 3.4 lbs Finally some progress! It was lower yesterday but I’m just happy to see some downward movement. I have…
  • Original starting weight - 146.8 September starting weight - 140 September goal - 135 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - No access to scale 7th- 137.4 13th- 137.6 21st - 137.6 28th - Total loss for September - 2.4 lbs Okay. So. Not what I wanted this week but at least it’s staying steady? I know what I have to do but haven’t been…
  • Not a great week. I’ve started dating someone so have been eating out a lot and getting back into the swing of work has left me ravenous at the end of the day. Lots of snacking :/ SW - 140.0 GW - 128.0 Aug. 26 - 140.0 Sept. 2 - Had no access to a scale Sept. 7 - 137.4 Sept. 13 - 137.6 Sept. 20 - Sept. 27 - Sept. 30 - Total…
  • Original starting weight - 146.8 September starting weight - 140 September goal - 135 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - No access to scale 7th- 137.4 13th- 137.6 21st - 28th - Total loss for September - 2.4 lbs Not a very successful week. I’ve started dating someone new so have been eating out a lot and have been ravenously hungry…
  • Original starting weight - 146.8 September starting weight - 140 September goal - 135 Ultimate goal - 128 1st - No access to scale 7th- 137.4 14th - 21st - 28th - Total loss for September - 2.6 lbs
  • I think I'm going to weigh in on Friday's. That's worked well for me in the past so Friday it shall be! SW - 140.0 GW - 128.0 Aug. 26 - 140.0 Sept. 2 - Had no access to a scale Sept. 7 - 137.4 Sept. 13 - Sept. 20 - Sept. 27 - Sept. 30 - Total lost - -2.6 lbs Oct. 4 - Oct. 11 - Oct. 18 - Oct. 25 - Oct. 31- Total lost - Nov.…
  • I’m in! I had the summer off and regained a few pounds. I’m ready to refocus and work on my fitness again! SW - 140.0 GW - 128.0 Aug. 26 - 140.0 Sept. 2 - Sept. 9 - Sept. 16 - Sept. 23 - Sept. 30 - Total lost - Oct. 1 - Oct. 8 - Oct. 15 - Oct. 22 - Oct. 29- Total lost - Nov. 4 - Nov. 11- Grand total lost -
  • I'm off to Italy for 2 weeks, then London for a week starting tomorrow so I will have to see how the running goes! I'm planning a few hikes during the trip too, so running will be what it will be. I'll see how it goes. Today's run: 4km, 25:28 July Total: 12k July Goal: 50k
  • Took a few walk breaks today but felt not too bad overall! Today's run: 4km, 26:41 July Total: 8k July Goal: 50k
  • Start wt: 135.8 Goal wt: 134 June 30: 61.6 lg / 135.8 lbs July 8: July 15: On vacation July 22: On vacation July 29: On vacation July 31: May weight loss: -5.1lbs June weight loss: - 2.6 lbs July weight loss: I'm gone on a 3 week trip this month so I will be 100% happy with maintenance. I even expect a bit of a gain…
  • A quick run this morning. I'm trying to be more thorough about post run stretching. I'm looking into 10k training schedules to hopefully do a race in September or October. I have done one 10k in the past but it was about 8 years ago and I definitely wasn't trained up enough for it. Does anyone have any preferred training…
  • I would love to join but as I'm going to be on vacation for most of July, I probably won't have access to a scale on a regular basis! I'll keep an eye out for your next batch in August :smile: