DesDawn24 Member


  • I'm on day 3 and I hate it. I'm so tired, sluggish, weak, headachy and miserable. I would never recommend this to anyone. Yes, it's working its intended purpose, but it isn't worth the misery. I'm glad I got this torture package for free and didn't actually pay for it! I agree that the vanilla shake isn't filling at all,…
  • This is getting really frustrating, it's so patchy with what and when it chooses to sync. My food diary is communicating with Jawbone, but my exercise isn't being transferred into MFP. It's annoying that it works one way but not the other. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting, and it's still not working.
  • My confession is that I cannot be trusted around chocolate. To the point where I lie about how much I've eaten, even though I know I'm only lying to myself. If I tell you I've had one brownie, it's safe to assume I've had two or three. I'm an addict. I'm also not above eating hummus with a spoon if I don't have another…
  • I always use crystal lite in my smoothies.
  • Starting Piyo on Monday as well, good luck with it! I've tried both Insanity and T25, but I want to do something different this time around.
  • This is a two part NSV: 1) I went shopping at a store that I've never been able to buy more than earrings at and 2) I wasn't even the largest size they offer! This has been happening a lot lately. My favourite part about it is how budget friendly these stores are compared to plus size specialty stores!
  • Leaving first thing tomorrow for a 3 day hiking adventure in the mountains! Can't wait.
  • It depends on who it comes from and how it's delivered. There are people I see all the time that feel the need to ask me every couple of weeks what my total is and go on and on about it, which irks me because it's not all about the scale (and most of those people are barely acquaintances). On the other hand, my close…
  • The sweater I bought in June, which I haven't tried on since (it's been way too hot!), is now loose in the arms instead of slightly snug. Gotta love that!
  • Bullet for my Valentine - Scream Aim Fire It really gets the blood flowing, it always makes me run faster/work harder at whatever I'm doing. I also listen to a lot of country, just because it makes me feel good and that always makes me enjoy a workout more! My fave is This Is How We Roll - Florida Georgia Line and Luke…
  • Black Sabbath in Edmonton, AB. Front row!
  • Queens of the Stone Age last year. I will clarify that I'm not a big fan anyway, but I really didn't enjoy the show. They looked totally wooden on stage, they didn't engage at all with the crowd, and they didn't even play half of their hits (in other words, any of the songs I actually might have enjoyed hearing).
  • This is the perfect way to word it! I have to admit I fell into that camp long before I started my own journey. I will fully admit to thinking not-so-nice things about people I knew who had lost considerable amounts of weight, and would even throw out a snide comment or two. Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize that…
  • I hear this ALL THE TIME! My grandmother, God love her, worries about everything. When I was 80 pounds heavier, she worried about my weight. Now that I've lost all of that, I MUST be anorexic/working out too much/depriving myself. There's apparently no happy medium!
  • It's probably the silliest thing that bothers me, but when people ask "what's your secret?" I get a little bit crazy! Seriously people, it's no secret. Move more, eat less (especially less crap food) and you'll notice the difference. I also really hate the "you're depriving yourself!" comments when I avoid something I know…
  • I log everything I plan on eating during my work day when I get to work in the morning, so I know where I'm at with my macros. Then depending what the numbers are, I plan dinner accordingly. I usually test log what I plan to cook for dinner to see where it would land me, and adjust accordingly. I used to just log as I…
  • I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said... but I'm going to throw my two cents in anyway. I think it's shameful to judge other people on their goals. You never know what that person has going on in their lives. Granted, I'm not one to support excuses, but at least these people are setting goals and…
  • I'm so guilty of this that my boss made me promise to sign over my baggiest sweater when I hit my goal, so she can chop it into tiny pieces. My biggest "Don't" is don't spend an entire hour trying to find a valid excuse to not work out, when you can spend that hour working out! Sometimes just getting up and starting is the…
  • A Yoplait yogurt tube with Phinneas and Ferb on it... why? Because I'm a grown up
  • I know exactly how you feel! My sister was visiting this weekend, and she is a tiny girl. I took her shopping to stores that I have literally never been able to shop at. I always hated going into those stores with my thin friends, because I always felt like people were looking at me and judging me because I didn't fit in.…
  • I've lost a gold brick and a guinea pig!
  • I had to do this too! Except now even that won't work, so it's reallllly time for new pants.
  • Love them! I sub in Special K cracker chips or Christie Potato Thins in the same flavour when I'm craving them. Still the same salty/vinegary flavour, less calories and fat!
  • Luke Bryan - Drink a Beer
  • Weighing everything with a food scale, and packing lunches the night before! If I don't pack a lunch, I easily double the calories that I would have eaten. It makes a huge difference!
  • 74 pounds in almost exactly a year and a half. 40 pounds to go to goal weight!
  • 30 minutes max, usually closer to 20. I've mastered the art of squeezing in every last possible second of sleep.
  • The Phantom of the Paradise Labyrinth (David Bowie used to freak me out as a child!)
  • Guilty! As others have mentioned, make small changes like eating from a bowl instead of taking the whole bag. That is my number one trick and it works! I also substituted other things for chips. I make roasted chickpeas (because I can never eat more than a small handful at a time), Special K cracker chips, or veggies and…
  • Metallica and Godsmack in 2004 - AMAZING show!