Restarting/ PiYo

Hi everyone, I'm restarting my journey to good health and fitness and could really use some freinds. On Monday I will be starting the 60 day PiYo challenge. Wish me luck! If anyone has done this program feel free to give me tips and/or success stories!


  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I am in a similar position! I've been struggling the last year with being on and off the healthy lifestyle. I actually just ordered PiYo tonight and I'm so excited to start this journey back up! :) Sent you a request!
  • krs5201
    krs5201 Posts: 30 Member
    Thinking about doing a 60 day challenge as well! Our start date would be Oct 13
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    Starting Piyo on Monday as well, good luck with it! I've tried both Insanity and T25, but I want to do something different this time around.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 86 Member
    tip: check all your DVDs to make sure they play.

    I was happily doing my PiYo workouts and halfway through realized my third disc was damaged.
    Beachbody sent me a replacement right away (thank goodness for the chat feature on their website). But I had to take a three day break-- kind of discouraging when you're on a roll.
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    I did a 60 day PiYo challenge. I really liked the workouts. keep remote handy- I had to pause and rewind many times at first to see the moves again. A yoga instructor in our group recommended to make sure you go at your own pace! don't sacrifice the correct positioning of a pose in order to do more reps of it! It can really work up a sweat- and I had pretty good success. Some of the ladies in my group that wanted to work of those pesky 10lbs or so really did very well, leaned up nicely and lost inches big time! I'm back on the PiYo wagon today- and it feels good! :) Good Luck!
  • bluekitty2201
    bluekitty2201 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone! Today was the first day and it was great :-)
  • lmkpete
    lmkpete Posts: 12 Member
    I did a 60 day PiYo challenge. I really liked the workouts. keep remote handy- I had to pause and rewind many times at first to see the moves again. A yoga instructor in our group recommended to make sure you go at your own pace! don't sacrifice the correct positioning of a pose in order to do more reps of it! It can really work up a sweat- and I had pretty good success. Some of the ladies in my group that wanted to work of those pesky 10lbs or so really did very well, leaned up nicely and lost inches big time! I'm back on the PiYo wagon today- and it feels good! :) Good Luck!

    I'm on PiYo the 2nd time around now; I did have to rewind and rewind and rewind...when first starting since I had never done anything like it before.
    But, I stuck with it and it helped me break thru a long plateau! I only lost 5 pounds in the 2 months but took off 2 inches on my waist, 2 inches on my hips and an inch on thighs and calves!
    Now I'm working more on my form and also working in some additional cardio.
    The 2nd month it gets more challenging but a greater sense of accomplishment when you get it.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • MeganZeman
    MeganZeman Posts: 53 Member
    I have to finish Insanity first but then I want to try PiYo. Lots of my girlfriends are using it right now. Good luck and friend me :)