

  • Thanks , everyone! I am officially done with Dr. visits. They gave me a month's worth of pills to wean off. I lost 50 pounds and hope to lose 10 more. Then, I am on maintenance. Now to get my husband losing his spare tire...
  • I have now met the doctor's goal of 25 BMI! For my personal goal, I'd like to lose another 10 pounds. I don't have any pants that fit! That's so cool! I'm in a size Medium scrubs at work. Woohoo! I'm weaning off the Phentermin Hcl 37.5 mg. My cholesterol is now 145, My tsh is 0.5- might have to adjust for the lost weight.…
  • Hi there! I am actually going to a weight loss clinic with real doctors. They made me take my blood pressure every day for the first month. I actually bought a BP unit from the drug store. I got really thirsty and dried out. I had to take citrucel to be normal, too. I started on 1/2 pill a day and it took a month before I…
  • Hi Jaxmommy, I've been on half dose for months. I do like this medicine and have good results. I do have to track the food I eat, though.
  • Thank you. Have you ever heard that in the state of Kentucky you can only be on it for six months? And in Ohio- three months?
  • Dear Crumpet, You could have Hashimotos thyroid disease. It's an autoimmune dx. that affects the Thyroid Gland. Or, you could be taking other medicines that render the Synthroid inactive. Please ask your doctor to test for TPO antibodies next time you get blood work. An elevated level is indicative of Hashimotos. Get…
  • I am on this medicine, too. I've been going to a weight-loss center since mid January. I've lost 34 lbs. I'm getting tired of restricting my calories and it seems my body isn't responding to the pill like it had a few months ago. Any suggestions?
  • Hi Kalyn, Since no one replied to your statement, I'll give it a try. First, know that many, many things can cause depression, including thyroid disease. What you look like , both inside and out can cause depression. What has happened in the past or present can cause depression. The sun and moon can cause depression.…
  • Hi there! I really feel for you. I am hypothyroid due to Hashimotos. I have lost a pregnancy also. Over the years, I had changed doctors many times. I have found that most general family doctors or internists don't know enough about hypothyroidism to be seeing these patients. In 2003, the American Endocrinologists' Society…
  • Way to go, Jenn! I've lost 20 and have 40 to go. I limit myself to 3-300 cal. meals and 2-150 cal. snacks. I walk three times around the mall each evening. I'm having to track my progress again. The month I didn't log my food, I stayed the same weight. It's surprising how many calories come from coffee and fruits and nuts.…
  • I have Hashimotos and have been on Synthroid most of my life. Be very careful of doctors prescribing hormone meds for female problems and steroids for back pain. They'll just make you gain weight. Always check with your endocrinologist first. He or she will probably check your thyroid levels more often while on these meds.
  • Walked the halls at work for 25 minutes during lunch time. Also, ran up 4 flights of stairs after the fire drill was over!
    in Day 3 Comment by faunae17 February 2013
  • You are doing awesome already!! I walked the halls at work for 20 mins in the middle of the day. I am new at the mfp and have to try to figure out the calories I burned. I like the idea of locking up the room with music.
  • You can do light exercise on the days you feel ok, otherwise, on your tired days, just sleep. It may take a year to feel well enough to to exercise rigorously.
  • Hi there. My Husband and I started 3 wks ago. We lost a combined 22 lbs. I started with a doctor led program called Physicians Weight Loss. It's a huge place with two doctors and about fifteen staff. The doctor very carefully looks over your meds, does a blood pressure, and measures your abdomen and BMI with an electronic…