I totally get what you're saying. I'm ashamed about how I looked and treated my health before and I don't want to talk about it. I actually feel quite accomplished in my life and don't need the focus to be on my appearance. However I've only ever not been annoyed when someone is like "damn girl, body lookin bangin". (My…
just bought a scale!
rad y'all thanks i did readjust my calories due to losing weight but didn't think about menses and didn't realize it wasn't enough time. this made me feel better. thank you!
Thank you for the replies and flow chart! I do not use a food scale and the thought that MFP could potentially be an inaccurate way to judge my caloric intake indicates to me I should be more diligent in my attempts to regulate what I'm eating. Starting a HIIT program tomorrow and buying a food scale. Will check back in.
you look so toned! what do you do for exercise?
regardless try substiting sprulina powder/kale for protein powder! It's a natural source of protein, is great incorporated into smoothies and has exactly probably 95% less sugar/carbs in it. I do a smoothie with 1/2 cup of blueberries, flax seed, 1/2 banana and low fat soy or almond milk. very filling and quite a lot…
that sounds awesome! Exactly what I need!
You should seriously write a yelp review and call a manager. maybe even submit a compaint on the Sport Authority website. Unacceptable.
WHATT! Girl you're looking amazing.