mmmartje Member


  • Wow, you all look amazing! I started my weight loss because I wanted to get rid of my lower belly pooch. I've lost quite a bit of weight since then and cannot loose much more, but unfortunately the pooch is still there. (it's been there since age 10!) I've become convinced it's impossible to get rid of without surgery but…
  • Hi veggiegurl, just thought I'd say hi to my new friend :) I love these quotes you've posted. I think noticing some harmful patterns re-emerging is the first stap to changing them (of course the second step would be tracking them and then actually changing them ;)) Everyone does deserve love and support from each other and…
  • I think she has a point, I think forcing people to be a size zero is wrong and many people feel they are always being judged for not being thin enough. So I think these sort of campaigns come from the anger of feeling that pressure. However as someone with two naturally very skinny and tall friends I can tell you that they…
  • O those are some great snacks! I think you're really on to something when you say I'm almost punishing myself for enjoying a normal meal. It's good to be vigilant of becoming a bit too strict and forgetting that life doesn't revolve around food or especially weight loss. Seeing how I am near my goals I think it might be…
  • I think you might be right about me eating more to deal with the stress of them not being well. Unlike you it doesn't really feel like vacation mode, I sometimes feel a little younger and there's generally a lot to do, while being at home feels more to being on my schedule. When it comes to food there have actually been…
  • Uuugh. Weekends are the worst sometimes. Me: 5 The Binge: 2
  • Me: 4 The Binge: 1 Went over a little, but DIDN'T binge! :D Suck it, binge!
  • Yes! I snack out of boredom and to avoid doing actual studying it seems. I seem to rationalise this by saying to myself that I can't study on an empty stomach or I need to eat anyway so I might as well do it now and and up eating no meals an all snacks throughout the day. I would suggest planning your meals and snack, only…
  • Just a quick question: hasn't the doctor checked your vitamin D levels? It's really simple bloodtest that at least for me only took 1 day before I got the results. If they check it then they can adjust your intake to your specific level and you can get it as a liquid, which apparantly is much more effective than a tablet,…
  • Me: 2 The Binge: 1 Yes! Right back where I'm supposed to be! Here's to hoping I deal with the anxiety of my first day of my new job in a healthy way!
  • I can relate, I sometimes binge on stuff either made out of milk or containing milk even though I'm lactose intolerant and KNOW that it will make me feel sick. It's crazy! But I'm glad to have found this community as well, being able to talk about it, even if it is (or maybe especially because it is) to strangers can help…
  • I just learned that in many other countries easter is just on sunday, I however live in the Netherlands where we celebrate for two days (which adds to the challenge!) and that's as close to a vacation as I'll get until summer. I'm working very hard to earn a masters degree with additional courses, which is very rewarding…
  • Yes! I'm in! I'm going to beat this thing! I'm going to give the binge a head start, it being easter and all. Me: 0 The Binge: 1
  • Just curious, do you guys celebrate just one day of easter? I'm having my easter blow-out today and will expect to gain some but to get right back on track tomorrow. I was reasonably good yesterday but I'm not logging at all today but already had over a dozen chocolate eggs and 4 slices of stollen. So yeaaah, I won't be…
  • Thanks for your great support! It really does help. I actually still feel pretty good, I had a good time with my family and didn't totally go overboard. I didn't eat for comfort, or out of boredom and I didn't binge, even though I went over my calories a little. I don't mind because it was mostly healthy and completely…
  • Yes mine do always seem to involve lots of carbs, because of the sugar and also fat. But i think what makes a binge a binge is the out of control feeling. I was dreading easter a little because of the availability of sugary fatty goodness (easter eggs in particular!) and to be honest i'll probably go over my caloriegoal…
  • The past two days have been great, still haven't had an easter egg and been under my calories for the past two days. Today, however isn't going well, I had a bagel and a banana bread so now I'm already at 1200 calories. I'm bummed out by this and catch myself thinking things along the lines of 'well, today's ruined' but I…
  • I use an artificial one though probably any one would work (you could experment with honey or agave as well), mine says saccharin and cyclamate on the packaging
  • No, they can't go out. Though I am very blessed with my health , my family unfortunatly is not (then again, my grandma is 82). But doing some activity together is a great idea! It might be both fun and make it less food-centered. I'm thinking a board game. I think it might seem rude to bring my own (premeasured) food…
  • Yes! Easter (all the major holidays by the way) are a major trigger. I know there will be a lot of temptation and I always think that as I have no way of knowing how many calories I'm getting, because the food is just there on the table prepared by family without any labels to read or ways to measure portions, I might as…
  • That's a great quote by the way, I'll have to remember that :smile:
  • Thanks for your great responses! I feel like just talking about it has been therapeutic. I've never really acknowledged my binges before, but on MFP they're simply so visible that there's no way around them. I already don't keep anything unhealthy in the house. I've actually gone so far as to throw away my margarine and…