mpmckeough Member


  • Try mountain biking shorts.
  • Welcome! Scary stuff. I like the approach of making a personal plea. Too often we are seen as obstacles to cars getting from point A to B instead of people. I try make a personal connection rather than confrontation. Strangely I seem to be having the problem where drivers give me too wide a berth to the point where they…
  • Right on man. I've given up thinking and just follow MFP to the letter, or calorie. 27lbs in 3 mos. It's not complicated, but it's not easy. My kudos to all the success stories on here. There are definitely no short cuts. Good luck on the journey.
  • Lunges can be done as well, even with cranky knees. I couldn't do a lunge to save my life with a bad right knee. But I started slow by just stepping forward and staying in that position. I would slowly lower and raise myself a little bit more every time. My knee protested the first couple weeks. But 3 months later and I am…
  • Wow. So many great tips packed into one post. I'm probably a year behind where you are right now, both in age and fitness. Thanks for laying things out so thoroughly. You answered or confirmed pretty much every question that's been nagging me. I really appreciate it! Also, I'm so impressed with your patience in executing…
  • Thanks. After about 2.5 months I "feel" like the base is good enough to start pushing it with intervals. Here we go... Congrats on the weight loss. That's awesome. Can't wait to feel the difference on the road myself. Another question, any tricks to fueling the body for hard rides but still dropping the weight?
  • Love the Omron scale. Not cheap, ~$100, but worth it. Tells you BMI, Body Fat %, Muscle %, Visceral Fat.
  • Green Coffee Bean capsules are just extracts of the bean in a capsule form. I've never been one to take diet supplements, but thought I would give this a try. Dr. Oz had a nutritionist on that raved about it. It's decaffeinated so won't keep you up at night. So far so good.
  • Visceral fat is definitely the bad guy and he's a real ba$tard to get rid of. Most accurate visceral fat measure will be with an MRI. But we have an Omron scale that measures visceral fat (among other things- highly recommended!). I avoided the stupid thing for about a few years because I knew the answer was not going to…