Leg workouts with old injuries

I was in a bad motorbike vs car accident when I was 15 and wasn't properly rehabilitated (3 physio appointments), I was obsessed with my weight as a teen, as many are and would workout a lot by walking or running for hours a day. The combination of being on crutches for 6 months and bad rehab, then ignoring my needs and overexercising have left my legs in bad shape. Many muscles atrophied during the recovery and during a physio appointment for another accident with my knees, I was told they may never properly recover and they were in such bad shape I was recommended never to wear high heels or snowboard, surf, ice skate etc. But after all that log explanation, I am keen to work my legs out, I can't squat far down, does that matter? What leg exercises do you recommend? I barely can do lunges, but I can probably work on them?


  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Work on squats with a lighter weight. Most compound movements will increase mobility by18%according to Louie Simmons. I actually broke, yes broke my left knee skateboarding down a flight of stairs when I was 15. I am 38 now and realized that recovery is more mental than physical. I never had surgery, and I made baby steps to make my leg stronger. I would recommend support movements leg extensions and leg curls and also really building calves. This will take a long time but I hope it will work for you too. Avoid jumping rope and basketball and anyother activity that involves jumping for periods of time. I found that this really irritated things. Best of luck to you friend. P.S. listen to your body and really acknowledge when your conective tissue is feeling stronger and responding to certain movements.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    I would have to agree with OverDoit. Also would like to add that I visited a Physical Therapist this week and found that a previous bike injury to my left hip may be the cause of low squat weight. I have never been stable while squatting and figured that my form was to blame. I was partially correct.

    I compensate for the old injury (1992) by using the wrong muscles for movements. I would recommend first attempting to workout with proper form. If you still have issues, perhaps an evaluation by a well seasoned professional is in order...
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Thanks! I will. I think I need to make sure my squats have good form too, I worry they aren't, but if I lean back even slightly I fall over. I will try get someone to check that for me.

    I might try see a physio to properly ask questions about exercises.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Squats are HARD for a beginner or anyone with weak leg muscles. If you fall over backwards, you probably don't have enough strength to do them correctly yet. If you do them, I would put a chair behind you, and not use weights at all. The chair will give you the confidence that you aren't going to break something, and it lets you know when you've gone down far enough. Touch your butt to the chair and then stand back up again...kind of like sitting down, but you don't put your full weight on it. You can also do it leaning against a wall.

    Another exercise that is easier is step-ups. Find a box or step, and step up and then down. As you progress find a higher step.

    I do think it's a good idea to consult a physical therapist. That will be a lot of help, and give you the reassurance of what to do.
  • mpmckeough
    mpmckeough Posts: 10 Member
    Lunges can be done as well, even with cranky knees. I couldn't do a lunge to save my life with a bad right knee. But I started slow by just stepping forward and staying in that position. I would slowly lower and raise myself a little bit more every time. My knee protested the first couple weeks. But 3 months later and I am happily lunging away.

    And like everyone else said, a visit to a PT would be good.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Lunges can be done as well, even with cranky knees. I couldn't do a lunge to save my life with a bad right knee. But I started slow by just stepping forward and staying in that position. I would slowly lower and raise myself a little bit more every time. My knee protested the first couple weeks. But 3 months later and I am happily lunging away.

    And like everyone else said, a visit to a PT would be good.

    Thanks for the advice with lunges! I am a little all or nothing sometimes, so patience and just doing what I can will help me I think. Thanks!
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Here is a thread about form. Squats as well as other exercises, but a lot of good advice.

  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Here is a thread about form. Squats as well as other exercises, but a lot of good advice.


    Thanks, just saw this, will try this week :)