ldekker Member


  • Very good results from my Fitness Re-Assessment this morning; I don't have the exact numbers but I have lost inches from my waist, hips and thighs as well as lowering my body fat percentage to 19.92%. I don't think I will aim to go much lower than this as I am already very petite and am happy with the way I look and feel…
  • Shannon - although I do not do 'combo moves' per se, I do a lot of total body exercises (such as the power clean, power snatch, overhead squat et cetera) which are all great moves to perform at the beginning of resistance training followed then by more isolated movements. An interesting combo that I have performed in the…
  • Did you time yourself with the double-unders? If so, how long did it take you to complete? I mastered the toes-to-bar exercise yesterday with 8 repetitions as my maximum - STOKED! I also slipped up last night with my diet. Pasta bake, garlic bread, soft drink and cheesecake - OOPS :(. I have another fitness assessment next…
  • My Personal Trainer, whom is also a Life Coach, gave me some awesome advice to set a reminder on your phone for every second day or so that says 'read your goals'. It is a fantastic way to keep you focused and motivated :) I have also returned to training this week... Monday: for time - 20 deadlifts (60kg), 2.5km run…
  • For time (meaning as quick as possible): 3 rounds of... 30 Jumping-Jacks 30 Air Squats 30 Tuck-Jumps 30 Push-Ups 30 Mountain-Climbers 30 Sit-Ups NB: Make sure you complete a 5 - 10 minute warm-up including some light cardiovascular exercise and dynamic stretching. Jumping-Jack: Or star jump, is a physical jumping exercise…
  • My weaknesses at this point are strength, power, speed and stamina. I struggle particularly with upperbody strength exercises such as the push-press, hang-clean and snatch. My strengths would be cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, coordination and flexibility. I have found I am particularly good at double-unders and have…
  • Training with the guys and trying to keep up with them has impacted on me hugely! I don't think I would have progressed as quickly as I have against ladies. In saying that though, the other female who I train with is a MACHINE - she recently went to the CrossFit competition in Gosford, NSW, Australia and placed 6th! I…
  • Hello fellow CrossFit Chicks! I am a recent CrossFit convert (of four months) and, like all of you, am completely ADDICTED. I am 19 years of age, weigh 53.4kg, have a body fat percentage of <20% and have never been this fit! Before CrossFit, I had never lifted any weights heavier than a 5kg dumbbell and now I am lifting…
  • Jumping-Jack: Or star jump, is a physical jumping exercise performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides. Air Squat: The air squat is performed by keeping both feet flat on the floor, shoulder…
  • For time (meaning as quick as possible): 3 rounds of... 30 Jumping-Jacks 30 Air Squats 30 Tuck-Jumps 30 Push-Ups 30 Mountain-Climbers 30 Sit-Ups NB: Make sure you complete a 5 - 10 minute warm-up including some light cardiovascular exercise and dynamic stretching.